World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2021

On June 15, 2021, CNPEA, Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario and CanAge joined forces to mark WEAAD and brought together the people who are shaping the future of aging in Canada to discuss how we can all take action to end elder abuse in our communities. We tackled key issues such as ageism, safe housing, health care and access to justice for older adults. This interactive discussion was followed by a Q&A. The federal Seniors Minister was there to announce a new consultation, along with a few other special guests.


Our Panelists
Laura Tamblyn Watts, LLB,
CEO CanAge, ON

Dr. Olive Bryanton, PhD,
Advocate for Seniors, P.E.I.

 Krista James,
National Director, Canadian Centre for Elder Law, BC

Roxane Leboeuf
Doctoral Student & Research Agent, Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults, QC

Dr. Alex Mihailidis
CEO and Scientific Co-Director of AGE-WELL, ON

Dr. Raza Mirza
PhD, MSc, National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE), ON 


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