In case of emergency, dial 911


Call your local police if the situation is not an emergency but you suspect it might be against the law.  Ask to speak to someone who has been trained in senior abuse, or domestic/family violence.

A list of local police agencies can be found here 

BOX 500

IQALUIT, Nunavut 
X0A 0H0
Telephone: (867) 975-4409

Elders Support Phone Line 
Peer to peer counselling for unilingual (Inuktitut-speaking) Elders.
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (or leave a message).
Toll-free: 1-866-684-5056

Department of Health

Department of  Community Justice
Suite: 1000 - Station 510

Iqaluit, Nunavut
X0A 0H0
Nunavut wide toll free number 1-866-456-5216

Department of Family Services
Family Mediator numbers:

  • Iqaluit: 867-975-6364
  • Rankin: 867-645-2028  

Nunavut Fair Practices Officer 
Department of Justice
Nunavut Fair Practices Officer
PO Box 2528
Iqaluit, NU  X0A 0H0
Tel: (867) 979-2043

Qimaavik Women's Shelter
Phone: 867-979-4566 

24-hour crisis line867-979-4500 

Innutit Women’s Group - Ikajuqtauvvik Crisis Centre  
Phone: 867-561-5902 

Tukkuvik Women’s Shelter
Box 69

Cape Dorset NU 
X0A 0C0
Tel: (867) 897-8683
Fax: (867) 897-8495

Legal Aid Services, Legal Clinics and Legal Information Sources

Nunavut Legal Aid 
P.O. Box 125 
Gjoa Haven NU 
X0B 1J0 
Tel: (867) 360-4603

Family Law Advice Line 
(867) 360-4605 

Toll Free: (866) 606-9400 

Keewatin Legal Services Centre 

Kitikmeot Law Centre 
Cambridge Bay 
Tel: (867) 983-2906 
Toll Free: (866) 240-4006

Maliiganik Tukisiiniakvik Legal Services  - Iqaluit 
Tel: (867) 979-5377

Public Legal Education and Information in Nunavut  
c/o Legal Services Board of Nunavut 

Box 125 Gjoa Haven NU 
X0B 1J0 
Tel: (867) 360-4603  
Fax: (867) 360-6112 


Keewatin Legal Services Centre 

Kitikmeot Law Centre Cambridge Bay 
Tel: (867) 983-2906 
Toll Free: (866) 240-4006

Maliiganik Tukisiiniakvik Legal Services 
Tel: (867) 979-5377



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