CNPEA's 2022 Call for Board Nominations is now open!
Interested in joining our board? Find out how to apply here

Rights Do Not Get Old!
Find out about our annual WEAAD virtual event and take the pledge to become a champion for the rights of older people.
Click here for details 

Notre feuille de route pour la prévention des mauvais traitements contre les personnes âgées est disponible!
Une stratégie pancanadienne de mobilisation pour tout un chacun,
pour comprendre où nous en sommes, où nous devons aller, et comment vous pouvez participer.

Discover Future Us, our pan-Canadian strategy for anyone and everyone.
Find out where we are now, where we need to go, and how you can help:

February 17:
Canada HomeShare: A Pathway to Social Inclusion (with EAPO)

February 23:
#PinkShirtDayForAll - Older Adults and Bullying (with EAPO)

March 1
Senior Women and the Pandemic: Economic Security and Safety (with WomanAct)


Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors


CNPEA would like to thank our generous sponsors who contribute to the sustainability of our knowledge-sharing hub
