This webinar is presented by the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) in conjunction with the Older Women’s Network NSW and Celebrate Ageing Ltd as part of the #ReadyToListen project funded by the Department of Health (Australia).

"Of the estimated 50 sexual assaults in residential aged care each week in Australia – most victim/survivors are people living with dementia.
In this webinar we ask:

  • What makes people living with dementia vulnerable to sexual assault in aged care?
  • How can an understanding of vulnerability help us to prevent sexual assault?
  • What do people living with dementia want to see happen?

The webinar outlines the role that perceptions of people with dementia play in their vulnerability to sexual assault in residential aged care. It offers practical resources for prevention, including the launch of the #ReadyToListen Dementia MAP (myths, facts and practical strategies)."

The panel hosted by Jane Caro:

  • Theresa Flavin, advocate and activist for the rights and dignity of people living with dementia and their carers
  • Dr Catherine Barrett, Director, Celebrate Ageing. Coordinator #ReadyToListen project
  • Yumi Lee, CEO, Older Women’s Network NSW


  • Kate Swaffer, Co founder and Human Rights Advisor, Dementia Alliance International
  • John Quinn, dementia advocate
  • Special guest Dr Kay Patterson, Age Discrimination Commissioner,  to launch the #ReadyToListen project
  • Craig Gear OAM, CEO, Older Persons Advocacy Network to launch the #ReadyToListen resources.

Visit #ReadyToListen page for resources and project updates

Source: Older Persons Advocacy Network

Older Women Rock the World: The right to participation and those who make it happen 


April 12, 2022 
1.15 pm to 2.30 pm (ET)
Register hereenglish oewg12 sideevent ilc canada flyer

Join ILC Canada and the International Federation on Ageing for their #OEWGA12 (United Nations Open Ended Working Group on Aging) event.
Interpretation in English and French available. The event will also be livestreamed on UN Web TV.
With opening remarks from the Honorable Kamal Khera, Minister for Seniors.

This event will highlight the indisputable impact of older women on their communities. Opportunities and potential barriers for older women to exercise their right to participate will be explored. Civil society will make the argument that ageism is impacted by sexism and that older people, including women, should be protected by an international legal instrument on the rights of older persons.


Organized by LINKages Society of Alberta

Thursday, April 28
11:00-12 noon, MT

Did you know that relationships are the critical ingredient in well-being for both young and old? Lack of connection is damaging to our health. This is an introductory workshop to find out why intergenerational programs are important in reducing loneliness, isolation, depression and anxiety in youth and older adults.

Free workshop -  registration is required.


jan2022 strangulationidentification aeaacThe Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council will host a new session of its 3 hour training on strangulation identification in cases of domestic violence and sexual assault. The training will address signs and implications, as well as documenting and advocating for victims, among other topics.

When: January 20, 2022, from 1PM to 4 PM Mountain time

Presenter: Morag McLean, registered nurse and strangulation identification expert

Cost: $30 per participant

Registration necessary - Click here to register  

Click here to enlarge or download the poster.

November 24, 2020
Presented by the Metro Vancouver West Community Corrections CAC.
Access the slides


  • Dr. Laura Tamblyn Watts
    Chief Executive Officer, CanAge

    Twitter: @LTamblynWatts
  • Tamara Holdal
    Chief, Clinical Interventions, Psychogeriatric Unit, Regional Treatment Centre, Pacific Institution, Correctional Service Canada
  • Dan Haley and Jeff Morgan
    Haley House, Peterborough, Ontario
  • Eddy Elmer
    Vice-chair, Citizen Advisory Committee for Metro Vancouver West Community Corrections, Correctional Service Canada
    Twitter: @Eddy_Elmer

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