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CNPEA builds awareness, support and capacity for a coordinated pan-Canadian approach to the prevention of elder abuse and neglect. We promote the rights of older adults through knowledge mobilization, collaboration, policy reform and education.


All older adults in Canada have the support they need to thrive within their communities and live free from violence and neglect.

Values and Principles

Collaboration and Capacity Building - We work across sectors and jurisdictions to foster a coordinated approach to the systemic prevention of elder abuse and neglect.

Respect and Inclusion - We defend older people’s human rights and autonomy, root our work in anti-ageism, and seek to amplify the diverse voices and experiences of older people. We believe that violence and inequities affecting us as we age can only be addressed through an intersectional lens.

Accountability and Credibility - We are accountable to our members and stakeholders, including all older Canadians. Transparency and integrity guide our internal and external practices. We are committed to developing, supporting and mobilizing trusted, evidence-based resources.

Innovation - We seek and promote innovative approaches to expand knowledge, enrich our work and inform meaningful change to improve the lives of older adults.

Open-mindedness and Sensitivity - We take a “listen first” approach to our work, incorporating the diverse lived experience of older Canadians into every aspect of our work through thoughtful consultation. We consider and address the unique needs of communities across the country, without making sweeping or simplifying assumptions on the modern experience of aging.

Our Structure

The network is led by a pan Canadian board of directors who each bring their passion and varied expertise. The network has a membership of individuals and organizations from across Canada who come from all walks of life and who care about older adults and the prevention of harm in later life.
Become a member

CNPEA is a registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency 
Charitable Registration Number: 866840523 RR0001


Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors

CNPEA would like to thank our generous sponsors who contribute to the sustainability of our knowledge-sharing hub

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