Dr. Sepali Guruge is an Associate Professor in the Department of Nursing at Ryerson University. Her teaching interests include women's health, mental health, diversity and equity issues, global health, and qualitative research methods. Using a number of approaches, including social determinants of health, ecosystemic frameworks, and feminist theoretical perspectives, Dr. Guruge conducts research focused on immigrant women's health. In particular, she examines violence against women throughout the migration process (i.e., pre-migration, border-crossing, and post-migration contexts). She also co-leads the Nursing Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children at Ryerson University. Presently, Dr. Guruge is engaged in community-based health research on violence against women with colleagues in several countries, supported by a CIHR New Investigator Award.

Website: Ryerson University
Telephone: 416 979 5000 (ext. 4964)


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