eapo indigenouswebinar

November 12, 2020, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


"The first in a series of webinars focusing on Ontario’s Indigenous senior population. The title of this presentation is ‘Opening the Door to Indigenous Senior Community Outreach’.

During this discussion, we will share initiatives and partnerships that have been created to assist seniors and most vulnerable  people during this time of the pandemic. We will talk about some of the outreach and family supports that have been put in place and discuss current gaps in our system. Our goal is to help create safe and secure age-friendly communities throughout the province by listening to our elders, being creative, and developing relationships.

Share in the discussion and gain insights on the importance of developing culturally sensitive and socially appropriate community supports for Indigenous seniors."


  • Debra Sayewich
  • The Urban Indigenous Sacred Circle
  • Land Acknoweldgement by Marion Newman

For further information, please contact:
Randy Moore, Indigenous Outreach Lead
Elder Abuse Prevention Consultant - North West & North East
Tel: 807-357-9244


Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors

Le RCPMTA souhaite remercier les généreux sponsors qui contribuent à la durabilité du connecteur des savoirs.
