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Wednesday May 6th, 2015
11:00 am -12:30 pm

LIVE -Webinar: Preventing Elder Abuse in our LGBTQ Older Adult Population

Laura Gibbon
Specialist, Education and Training Programs and Community Services
The 519 Church Street Community CentreScreen Shot 2015 04 29 at 3.22.53 PM

Rosalyn Forrester
Community Development Services Trans Access Training/50 + LGBT Drop-In Program
The 519 Church Street Community Centre


Learn about best practices for working with at-risk or abused LGBTQ older adults. Topics discussed will include barriers facing LGBTQ older adults, forms of abuse that are systemic or perpetrated by family/friends and services available to assist partners in care.
The speakers will discuss programs and services available to train staff and how to build community capacity to raise awareness of Elder Abuse.

To join the Webinar please register on-line.
Registration fees must be paid prior to the Webinar.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Cost: $15.00

Register HERE

For further information, please contact
Rochella Vassell, EAO Central West Consultant
416-916-6728 ext 225***

View the poster


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