Providing Safer and More Welcoming Continuing Care for LGBTQ2S+ Clients
Tuesday, January 22, 2019, noon  (MST)

To enhance your awareness, confidence, knowledge, and skills in creating safer and more welcoming continuing care for LGBTQ2S+ clients

screen shot 2019 01 17 at 2.19.12 pmPRESENTED BY:

  • Michael Phair, Coordinator Edmonton Pride Seniors Group,  Chair, Board of Governors University of Alberta, 
  • Alvin M. Schrader, PhD.  Professor Emeritus, Practicum Sessional Instructor, School of Library & Information Studies, Adjunct Professor, Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services, Member, Edmonton Pride Seniors Group 
  • Michelle Taylor, Lead, AHS Congregate Living Service Delivery, Provincial Seniors Health

Geriatric Grand Rounds are weekly events taking place every Tuesday out of the Glenrose hospital. 

This event is an accredited group learning activity as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. This event is eligible for 1 “MAINPRO+” credit from the Maintenance of Proficiency Program of College of Family Physicians of Canada.
Members of the Colleges planning on claiming the credit are required to complete the online evaluation form. 

To receive weekly updates on Grand Rounds and the weekly evaluation forms, please make sure you subscribe to Geriatrics-News.


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