In this presentation, Kathy Majowski explores the following:

  • What Does Bullying Look Like?
  • What happens to people who are bullied?
  • What about people who witness bullying?
  • Red flags -What you might notice
  • What We Know About Bullying
  • How Can I Help?
  • Community Resources

Gutman, G. (2012, June 11). Older Adult Bullying: Psychological Abuse by a Different Name? Retrieved from

Madsen, K. (2018). Seniors Bullying Project: Overall Summary of Ontario-Wide Thinktanks. Retrieved from

Goodridge, D., Heal-Salahub, J., Pausjenssen, E., James, G., & Lidington, J. (2017). Peer bullying in seniors’ subsidised apartment communities in Saskatoon, Canada: participatory research. Health & Social Care in the Community, 25(4), 1439–1447. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12444

Lamothe-Begg, L (2012) Older Adult Bullying Prevention [PowerPoint Slides]


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