NWT Seniors Society Logo

"Workshops on Creating Safe Communities for Older Adults have been conducted in a number of communities over the past several months.  The goal of these workshops is two-fold:

  • Raise awareness and educate about abuse of older adults; and
  • Engage the community in the development of an action plan to address abuse of older adults through a community support network

The  two-day events facilitated by Society staff are  part of a larger project of the Northwest Territories Seniors’ Society entitled, Leading the Way, Networking to Prevent Abuse of Older Adults.  The Society is carrying out this work in partnership with recently created NWT Network to Prevent Abuse of Older Adults.  Funding is being provided by the HRSDC, New Horizons for Seniors Program and the GNWT Departments of Health and Social Services and Executive.  The workshop generally includes different PowerPoint presentations, providing an overview of the Society and topics discussed during the two days. They are also sometimes used by guest speakers, such as the local RCMP detachment representatives." For more information or if you would like a Creating Safe Communities for Older Adults Workshop in your community, please contact the NWT Seniors' Society."


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