BC CEAS"These materials were developed by the BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Elder Law. The BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support provided overall management and direction for this project. This toolkit includes all the necessary components for local community agencies to create a volunteer-driven seniors program enabling seniors to reach out to other seniors about elder abuse." This toolkit is comprised of the following:Starting a Seniors Reaching Out to Seniors Workshop Program: A Toolkit for Local Agencies (Project Report: Summary, Methodology & Outcomes)Protect Yourself! Financial Literacy Workshop for Older Adults  Train-the-Trainer Guide (including accompanying PowerPoints)  Workshop Facilitator Guide  Protect Yourself! Module 1 PowerPoint Presentation  Protect Yourself! Module 2 PowerPoint Presentation | Building Community Connections Workshop for Older Adults  Train-the-Trainer Guide (including accompanying PowerPoints)  Workshop Facilitator Guide  Building Community Connections PowerPoint Presentation  Finding a Future for Ellen DVD"


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