For emergencies, call 911

Call your local police if the situation is not an emergency but you suspect it might be against the law. Ask to speak to someone who has been trained in senior abuse, or domestic/family violence. 
A list of local RCMP detachments can be found here.

Seniors' Abuse Support Line 
Call the 24 hour Seniors Abuse Support Line and speak to one of our trained and caring counsellors.To learn more about seniors abuse and about staying safe, remember that help is just a phone call away. You can call the Seniors Abuse Support Line even when you are not sure that what you are experiencing is abuse. All calls are free & confidential.
Toll-free 24 hours: 1-888-896-7183

Age & Opportunity: Support Services for Older Adults
Confidential consultation, assessment and counselling services are provided to seniors who are victims of abuse.
Toll free: 1-888-333-3121
Phone: 204-956-6440 


  • A& O's Safe Suite Program: Crisis accommodations are available for men, women and couples 55+ who are in need of a safe place to stay due to abuse or neglect. Assistance in arranging finances, housing and legal services can also be provided.

Protection for Persons in Care Office 
This Office responds to reports of abuse of persons receiving care in personal care homes, hospitals or any other designated health facility.

The Protection for Persons in Care Act (the Act) is an extra safeguard built into Manitoba’s health care system. This law is to help protect adults from abuse while receiving care in personal care homes, hospitals or any other designated health facility. T

The Act requires that a service provider or other person who has a reasonable basis to believe that a patient is, or likely to be, abused shall promptly report the belief, and the information to the Protection for Persons in Care Office (PPCO) at Manitoba Health.

Phone: 204-788-6366 
Toll Free: 1-866-440-6366 (outside Winnipeg) 
TTY Winnipeg: 204-774-8618 
TTY Toll Free: 1-776-855-0511 

Manitoba Human Rights Commission

Toll Free: 1-888-884-8681 
TTY: 1-888-897-2811 
Brandon Office: 204-726-6261
The Pas Office: 204-627-8270 

Manitoba Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat
The Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat is part of the department of Health, Healthy Living and Seniors. The Secretariat works with all departments to create an environment within Manitoba that promotes health, independence and well-being of all older Manitobans.

Toll free: 1-800-665-6565

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Geriatric Outreach Services-  Geriatric Mental Health Teams (GMHT) and Geriatric Program Assessment Teams (GPAT) 

Public Guardian and Trustee (Winnipeg Office)

  • 204-945-2700 (Winnipeg),
  • 204-726-7025 (Brandon),
  • 1-800-282-8069 (toll free) or
  •  (other service options, online, etc.)

    For a full list of health and social services throughout Manitoba, consult 211 Manitoba.

Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors

Le RCPMTA souhaite remercier les généreux sponsors qui contribuent à la durabilité du connecteur des savoirs.
