In case of emergency dial 911
Call your local police if the situation is not an emergency but you suspect it might be against the law. Ask to speak to someone who has been trained in senior abuse, or domestic/family violence.
RCMP detachments in Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism:
The Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism (SSM) is a non-profit, volunteer organization. It acts as an umbrella to bring together Saskatchewan seniors’ organizations to contribute to a better quality of life for our province’s older adults.
Search SSM's database for important topics related to seniors and the people of Saskatchewan.
Email address:
Phone: (306) 359-9956
Toll free 1-888-823-2211
Fax: (306) 359-6922
Address: #112 - 2001 Cornwall Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4P 3X9
Seniors Information Line
Toll free: 1-888-823-2211
The Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism (SSM) operates a Seniors Information Line to provide information and/or assistance on a variety of issues, including financial abuse, mental or physical abuse, scams, health and other matters. All calls are answered by an individual who is able to refer the caller to the proper channels.
Family Service Regina - Older Adult Response Service (OARS)
The Older Adult Response Service (OARS) provides specialized supports to seniors who are being impacted by abuse at the hands of an intimate partner or family member. Some of the supports provided include home visits, safety planning, assistance navigating systems such as the health system, working with the Public Guardian and Trustee, and case consultations with other involved services. OARS caseworkers also provide community education regarding the abuse of older adults.
- Website:
- Main office telephone line: 306-757-6675
Saskatoon Crisis Centre
Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service (SCIS) provides comprehensive crisis response services to individuals and families 24 hours each day, 365 days of the year.
This service includes crisis counselling and conflict management, provided over the phone, in the SCIS office or in the home. Following initial interventions, referrals for ongoing support may be provided.
If you feel and/or think you are in crisis, contact mobile crisis service at their 24 hour crisis phone line:
- (306) 933-6200 - Saskatoon and area
- (306) 764-1011 - Prince Albert and area
- (306) 757-0127 - Regina and area
- Website
A Crisis may involve:
- Suicidal feelings, thoughts or plans
- Marriage and family problems
- Relapse of a mental illness
- Problems with drug and alcohol use and abuse
- Problem gambling
- Excessive personal distress
- Older adults/seniors in distress
211 Saskatchewan
Call 211 if you have a concern about a situation of inappropriate or abusive behaviour affecting the well-being of an older person. All information you may share will be kept confidential.
You can also call or visit the 211 website for general information, referral, and support to seniors and others for all programs and service in Saskatchewan. It is a place anyone can call for information about community, social, health and government services for Saskatchewan communities.
Provincial Association of Transition Houses of Saskatchewan (PATHS)
24-hour Abuse Line (toll free): 1-800-214-7083
Public Guardian and Trustee
The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee:
- protects the property rights of children under the age of eighteen;
- administers the property and finances of adults who are not capable of managing their financial affairs, monitors other property guardians and investigates allegations of financial abuse;
- administers the estates of deceased persons; and
- holds and administers unclaimed property.
Phone: 306-787-5424
Toll Free: 1-877-787-5424
Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission
- Saskatoon Office
Phone: 306-933-5952
Telewriter: 306-373-2119
Toll Free: 1-800-667-9249
- Regina Office
Phone: 306-787-2530
Telewriter: 306-787-8550
Toll Free: 1-800-667-8577
Each health region offers a full range of services that includes: Acute Care, Home Care, Community and Population Health, Long Term Care, Mental Health, Addictions Services, Support Services, and Emergency Services. Each area of service acts as a complementary component of the holistic care provided in the region.
Cypress Health Region
Phone: 306-778-5100
Toll Free: 1-888-461-7443
Five Hills Health Region
Phone: 306-694-0296
Toll Free: 1-888-425-1111
Heartland Health Region
Phone: 306-882-4111
Keewatin Yatthé Regional Health Authority
Phone: 306-235-2220
Kelsey Trail Health Region
Phone: 306-873-6600
Mamawetan Churchill River Health Region
Phone: 306-425-2422
Prairie North Health Region
Phone: 306-655-1026
Toll Free: 1-866-655-5066
Prince Albert Parkland
Phone: 306-765-6400
Regina Qu’Appelle Regional Health Authority
Phone: 306-766-3232
Toll Free: 1-866-411-7272
Saskatoon Health Region
Phone: 306-655-1026
Toll Free: 1-866-655-5066
Sun Country Health Region
Phone: 306-637-3642 (Estevan)
Toll Free: 1-800-696-1622
Sunrise Health Region
Phone: 306-786-0103