Join us on May 13, 2015 from 1:00pm to 2:30pm EDT for a webinar on:
Restorative Approaches to Senior Safety: The Nova Scotia Experience


MAY 13, 2015 

1:00-2.30 PM EST

Segments of the webinar in both official languages. PowerPoint slides available in English and French.Two bilingual presenters can respond to questions in both official languages.

In Nova Scotia a collaborative network of community based organizations, academic institutions, government departments and volunteers has been developing a restorative approach to senior safety. The goal of the network is to build a holistic restorative approach to senior safety by undertaking all of our work with seniors, and each other, utilizing the restorative principles of practice.

During this webinar, we will share with you our understanding of relational theory and restorative approach as it relates to seniors. We will share our learnings through the development of our approach and community of practice for working restoratively. We will share the practices that are utilized by our community partners when working with seniors. We will also provide an opportunity for a dialogue on how a restorative approach might be useful from an individual, institutional, societal and cultural perspective when looking at safety for seniors and everyone.

We will offer segments of the webinar in both official languages. Two of our presenters are bilingual and can respond to question in whichever official language you prefer.



Richard Derible
 is a School Administration Supervisor with the Halifax Regional School Board (HRSB).  This year Richard is on secondment with the Department of Justice, where he is leading the Restorative Approaches in Schools Project (RAISP), a joint project of the Department of Justice and the Department of Education. Richard has also been a classroom teacher, vice principal, principal and Safe Schools consultant with the HRSB.  Before joining the HRSB, Richard worked for the Special Projects Division of the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services where he developed outdoor programs for children with special needs and at-risk youth.  While Principal at École St. Catherine’s School (ESCS) in Halifax, Richard and the ESCS community initiated a restorative approaches pilot project (September 2009) that had a significant and positive impact on the culture and climate at the school.  For the past year, Richard has also been involved in the development of restorative approaches with seniors. Richard has been key in finding the connections between the work in schools and work with seniors.

Sharon Elliott  is coordinator of the Annapolis County Seniors’ Safety Program with the Annapolis District of the RCMP in Nova Scotia.  A program originating in Nova Scotia in 1996, Sharon has lead the development of this position and has assisted with its growth and expansion across Nova Scotia. Through her position, she is also a lead partner in the support and development of a Restorative Approach to Senior Safety and Abuse in Nova Scotia. Sharon is certified as an Elder Planning Counselor through the Canadian Initiative for Elder Planning Studies (CIEPS), and has also worked with the Victims’ Services Branch of the NS Department of Justice - assisting victims of crime through the criminal justice system.

Jennifer Llewellyn is the Viscount Bennett Professor of Law at the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Her teaching and research is focused in the areas of relational theory, restorative justice, truth commissions, international and domestic human rights law and Canadian constitutional law.  She has written and published extensively on the theory and practice of restorative justice in both transitional contexts and established democracies.  Jennifer had been a key partner in the development of Restorative Approaches to Senior Safety. Her academic work has provided the foundation for the development of this approach in Nova Scotia.

Yvon McCauley is a Caseworker with Tri- County Restorative Justice. He works with youth between the ages of 12 and 17 who have come in conflict with the law and all who have been affected by harm. Working with Restorative Justice helps the public regain confidence in the justice system by giving a voice to everyone affected by a harm and work towards rebuilding relationships in the community instead of casting blame and punishment. Yvon also manages the Bringing Restorative Justice into Schools program at the Yarmouth and Shelburne High schools. Yvon has also been involved with the development of a restorative approach to senior safety since 2011.

Jocelyn Yerxa is the A/Director of Programs and Community Development Coordinator for the Nova Scotia Department of Seniors.  In that role, she focuses on building community capacity to address aging issues, so Nova Scotians can age and live well. Jocelyn also serves on the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse board and management team for the Knowledge Sharing project.  Since 2011, Jocelyn has been part of the team developing of restorative approaches to senior safety project in the province.  The project is a collaborative endeavour involving more than 30 representatives from community, government, police, health care, law, as well as senior volunteers themselves. She sees a restorative approach as the most promising approach to helping families, communities, and institutions prevent and deal with conflict and harms.


Register for this fireside chat on the CHNET- Works! website
Questions about the webinar or the registration? Email us here


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Nova Scotia