We will be adding resources continually throughout this project, please check back regularly.
Do you have some resources to suggest? Email us 

CNPEA Webinars
Sexual Violence and Older Women: Working Towards Justice 
(Dr. Bianca Fileborn - February 6th, 2018)

The Sexual Assault of Older Women: Criminal Justice Responses in Canada 
(Isabel Grant & Janine Benedet - April 19th, 2018)

Sexual Assault of  Older Adults: Building Bridges Between Health and Justice
(Linda Reimer & Raeann Rideout - May 25th, 2018)

Trauma-Informed Supports for Older Adults who are Survivors of Sexual Assault: A Manitoba Perspective
(Jerra Fraser, Amanda Thiessen, Katherine Nelson - November 22, 2018)

Being Heard: Police Response and Support for Older Victims of Sexual Assault (Laura Proctor, Detective Staff Sergeant Tracey Bednarczyk,Detective Inspector Karen Arney - November 21, 2019)

Increasing Access to Justice for Older Victims of Sexual Assault (A2J)  Project Wrap-Up: Key Learnings (K. Majowski - March 19, 2020)

Research Snapshots - CNPEA
- Research Snapshot #1 (Summer 2018 Peirone, Dawson, CNPEA, Canada)
Research Snapshot #2 (Spring 2019 - Peirone, Dawson, CNPEA, Canada)
Research Snapshot #3 (Summer 2019 - Peirone, Dawson, CNPEA, Canada)
Research Snapshot #4 (Fall 2019 - Peirone, Dawson, CNPEA, Canada)

Learning Briefs - CNPEA
- Learning Brief 1 - Mini Lit Review - Sexual Assault in Later Life (CNPEA, Peirone, Dawson, 2019)
- LB 1 companion piece - Recommendations for Research, Policy and Practice 
(CNPEA, Peirone, Dawson, 2019)
- Learning Brief 2 - Mini Lit Review - Sexual Assault in Long Term Care Facilities 
(CNPEA, Peirone, Dawson, 2020)
- LB 2 companion piece - Recommendations for Research, Policy and Practice
(CNPEA, Peirone, Dawson, 2020)

Blog Posts

A Brief Review of “The Sexual Assault of Older Women: Criminal Justice Responses in Canada" (Jennifer Nguyen, November 2017)
Older adults: Sexual Consent, Capacity and the Law (Jennifer Nguyen, November 2017)
Listening to older women who experience sexual abuse (Catherine Barrett, Australian Journal of Dementia Care Vol 8 No 5 October/November 2019)

Brochures and Factsheets
Sexual Abuse in Nursing Homes (NCEA, USA)
Sexual Abuse in Nursing Homes: What You Need to Know (NCEA, longer version)
Sexual Abuse of Older Adults Fact Sheet (Elder Abuse Ontario)
You Have Options: Help After Sexual Assault (Manitoba Justice Victim Services)
Wallet card - Sexual Violence Support Services (Government of Alberta, 2019)
Sexual Abuse of Older Adults - A Factsheet for Caregivers, Service Providers, Friends and Families (CNPEA, 2019)
Sexual Abuse in Later Life: A Fact Sheet for Older Adults (CNPEA, 2019)
Primary Prevention: Stopping Sexual Assault in Later Life Before It Occurs (CNPEA, 2020)
- Secondary Prevention of Sexual Assault in Later Life (CNPEA, 2020)
- Tertiary Preention of Sexual Assault in Later Life (CNPEA, 2020)

Sexuality in Long Term Care Homes - the Legal Issues (2011, Wahl, Advocacy Centre for the Elderly)
A Survivor’s Guide to Sexual Assault Prosecution (2019, Nova Scotia Public Prosecution Services)

Other related webinars
2018 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Webinar
NCALL - USA, June 7, 2018 - B. Brandl, L.Tamblyn Watts, Dr. J. Mears, B. Penhale
''An international conversation about the intersection of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and elder abuse.  During the webinar, NCALL and CARP staff will also discuss their new work, resources, and funding opportunities through the OVW Enhanced Training and Services to End Abuse in Later Life grant program.''

Sexual Violence and Older Women in Long Term Care: Intersectoral Approaches and Promising Practices  
Elder Abuse Ontario, OAITH - January 2019 - T. Rankin and R. Forrester

Practice Tools

Sexual Violence in Later Life: A Technical Assistance Guide for Advocates (2010)
Sexual Violence in Later Life: A Technical Assistance Guide for Health Care Providers (2013)
Safety planning for older adults keeping safe in unhealthy relationships (2017)
Sexual Abuse of Older Adults - Intervention Guide for Service Providers and Partners in Care (2018)

Sexual Assault Against Older Adults - A Literature Review (2018 - CNPEA, Dawson, Peirone, Canada)
Literature Review #2: Key Resources & Strategies for Increasing Access to Justice for Older Victims/Survivors of Sexual Assault (2020 - CNPEA, Peirone, Dawson, Canada)
A Fair Future for Older Women Who Experience Sexual Abuse: What Needs To Be Done (2019 - Australian Association of Gerontology, Australia)


- The Sexual Assault of Older Women: Criminal Justice Responses in Canada (2016, Grant, Benedet, Canada)
Sexual Abuse of Older Nursing Home Residents: A Literature Review (2015, Norway) 
Norma’s Project - A Research Study into the Sexual Assault of Older Women in Australia (2014, Mann, Horsley, Barrett, Tinney, Australia)

Workshop and Presentations
Forensic Nursing and Elder Abuse (2011 - L. Reimer, Canada)
Violence Against Older Women Learning Modules (2018 - Ontario Network of Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Treatment Centres and Elder Abuse Ontario)
Sexual Violence and Older Women in LTC: Intersectoral Approaches and Promising Practices (2019 - Elder Abuse Ontario and OAITH)

Further Reading

 -Listening to older women who experience sexual abuse (Australian Journal of Dementia Care Vol 8 No 5 October/November 2019)
 - Journal memberships may be required to access the full articles



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