The following is part of our project “Increasing Access to Justice for Older Adult Victims of Sexual Assault: A Capacity Building Approach”, funded by the Justice Canada Victims Fund.Learn more about this project or consult the full list of resources

Forensic Nursing and Elder Abuse

BCAAFC"The purpose of this awareness and prevention tool kit is to reduce the risk factors for Elder abuse and to ensure that situations do not occur.  We hope that by increasing awareness and holding discussions about Elder abuse and neglect, Elders will be encouraged to come forward and seek assistance. This tool kit identifies three key strategies for increasing awareness and developing practical.  We hope that by sharing information about Elder abuse, communities will develop their own prevention and intervention strategies that ‘best fits’ their unique community circumstances. The goals of the first strategy are to educate the community members about Elder abuse and neglect...The second strategy is about assisting and empowering Elders to take control over their lives and to make decisions that are in their own best interests...The third strategy is to develop practical community-based prevention and intervention services that can effectively respond to the needs of Elders who may be experiencing abuse or who may be at risk of becoming abused."   

Source: BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres


Elder Abuse Prevalence Identification Response and Intervention Beyond the BasicsJuly 05, 2009 (57 minutes) This webinar presented by Judith Wahl of the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly includes a discussion of what elder abuse is, who is being victimized, why people don't always seek help, how ageism affects how we address elder abuse, and what people need to know to prevent and respond to abuse. To view and listen to this webinar, click here.

See also: PowerPoint slides ; Presentation slides on the Slideshare web site

About the Presenter: Judith Wahl has been the Executive Director and Senior Lawyer at the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE) since 1984. ACE is a community legal service for low-income seniors that focuses on legal issues that have a greater impact on the older population.

Presented by: Advocacy Centre for The Elderly (ACE) Content from: Community Legal Education Ontario 


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