The following resource is part of the Family Violence Initiative, funded by the RCMP. Find similar tools by searching for the FVIF tag or consult the list of available resources.

nwtprotocolabuse"The Yellowknife Interagency Family Violence and Abuse Protocol is an agreement among agencies to improve responses to adult victims of family violence. The Protocol describes how agencies will respond to adult victims of family violence and interact with each other. By following the Protocol, the agencies expect to offer a seamless and coherent response to adult victims of family violence.

Participating groups including the eight agencies that are part of the Protocol are:
YWCA Alison McAteer House
Canada/NWT Service Centre 
Centre for Northern Families
Income Security Programs
YWCA of Yellowknife
GNWT Health and Social Services
Public Prosecution Service of Canada 
Yellowknife Victim Services
NWT Regional Office
GNWT Justice
GNWT Education
Culture and Employment
NWT Seniors' Society
Yellowknife RCMP Detachment
RCMP „G‟ Division
Stanton Territorial Health Authority
Yellowknife Housing Authority
Yellowknife Health and Social Services Authority"

Source: NWT Seniors' Society


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