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The Legal Toolkit for Seniors provides an overview of various legal  tools that might help mentally competent seniors to plan for a safe and secure future.

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Download the full toolkit here

Source:  Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick

CAOT Legal

"Produced by the Canadian Centre for Elder Law for the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, this resource will
 • Provide a summary of key laws relevant to elder abuse and neglect • Identify obligations to respond to abuse, neglect and risk
• Identify key agencies to contact if you are concerned that an older adult is being abused or neglected
• Outline the relationship between mental capacity and the law in relation to elder abuse
• Discuss the impact of professional confidentiality obligations and privacy law on the ability of professionals to disclose an older adult’s confidential information in order to follow up on concerns regarding abuse and neglect
• Provide a list of resources."

Source: Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists

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"This resource covers abuse and neglect occurring anywhere in Canada. It discusses relevant laws in each province and territory. The Practical Guide:

  • Explains what elder abuse is
  • Identifies guiding principles for best practice
  • Provides a summary of key laws relevant to elder abuse and neglect
  • Identifies obligations to respond to abuse, neglect and risk
  • Identifies key agencies to contact if you are concerned that an older adult is being abused or neglected
  • Outlines the relationship between mental capacity and abuse
  • Discusses the impact of professional confidentiality obligations and privacy law on abuse and neglect response
  • Provides a list of resource agencies

To learn more about the updated Practical Guide, watch Krista James’ recent webinar: Exploring the Updated Practical Guide to Elder Abuse and Neglect Law in Canada

Source: Canadian Centre for Elder Law

Tools by NICE"This material contains information and guidance  for practice. The information is not legal advice.  In many instances it will be your obligation to  ensure that an older adult gets legal advice as  soon as possible. All material provided is up to date as of August 31, 2010. Health care professionals and/or service providers should use this form to document concerns about abuse or neglect of an older adult. The National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE) has published user-friendly versions of the following tools:


Grandparents Raising Grandchildren A Legal Guide"This book is the outcome of a legal issues project supported primarily by the Law Foundation of BC. We hope it will be used by grandparents, as well as by the social and legal service providers that support them. It is a joint venture between the University of Victoria School of Social Work and Parent Support Services Society of BC."




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