The following resource is part of the Family Violence Initiative, funded by the RCMP. Find similar tools by searching for the FVIF tag or consult the list of available resources.

bcsth legal toolkit screencap

"The purpose of the toolkit is to provide frontline workers with legal information and resources tailored to meet the needs of the anti-violence sector.

It includes an overview of courts and legal resource, Affidavit writing, preparing a client to be a witness in court, program participants records, records management, records retention and destruction, immigrant and refugee legal information, disability legal information, Aboriginal legal information, CWWA legal information."

Source: BC Society of Transition Houses

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This resource is part of West Coast LEAF's Older Women’s Legal Education Project and aims to connect older women with useful support services and legal help.

"During community consultation for our Older Women’s Legal Education Project, many older women and service providers suggested that we create a compact multilingual resource listing sources of support and legal information for older women. A small resource is easier to hide and less likely to be discovered by an abuser than a larger, more comprehensive resource such as our Roads to Safety handbook, and is also less likely to cause information overload for a woman in crisis.

We encourage you to print and distribute these folding wallet cards widely. We hope that this resource will help older women in BC to connect with community services, understand their legal and practical options, and receive support for the steps they may choose to take to become safer.     

Roads to Safety is part of The Older Women’s Legal Education Project, "a collaboration between West Coast LEAF and the Canadian Centre for Elder Law aiming to address a serious gap in existing public legal education resources: information tailored to older women fleeing abuse. "

 Source: West Coast LEAF

Languages available:

General English version
Version listing specialized services for Indigenous women


Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Filipino (Tagalog)
Persian (Farsi)

RScreen Shot 2016 06 15 at 11.32.37 AMoads to Safety is "a plain language handbook on legal issues relevant to older women fleeing abuse, including:

  • Emergency information
  • Safety planning
  • Decision-making rights
  • Immigration rights
  • Getting legal help
  • Financial assistance
  • Applying for a pension
  • Applying for housing supports
  • Protection orders and peace bonds
  • Keeping grandchildren safe
  • Steps to protect yourself from financial abuse
  • Property division after separation or divorce
  • Resources for support"


Roads to Safety is part of The Older Women’s Legal Education Project, "a collaboration between West Coast LEAF and the Canadian Centre for Elder Law aiming to address a serious gap in existing public legal education resources: information tailored to older women fleeing abuse. "

Source: West Coast LEAF

When Elder Abuse Involves the Police "Calling the police is an important way for the abused older adult to be protected and one way to prevent future occurances." 

Source: The Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta

Legal Issues in Residential Care An Advocates Manual "The BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support (BCCEAS) is proud to present our Clicklaw Wikibook, Legal Issues in Residential Care: An Advocate’s Manual, an online guide to legal issues with regard to residential care in British Columbia, and the processes and solutions needed to deal with them. This e-book is primarily meant for legal and health care professionals working to support people in residential care, as well as the BCCEAS legal team."


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