cover apptaThis report collected and analyzed recommendations made in published reports on prevention of abuse of older adults in Canada. Abuse of older adults is perpetuated by systemic drivers like ageism. The varied networks, community response organizations, provincial and territorial strategies and legislative changes devoted to the topic reflect ongoing concerns about it among policymakers across Canada.

Actions to date have not been sufficient or applied consistently enough to tackle the issue across the country, however, and within the existing system there remain many opportunities for change. Through analysis of many recommendations made in published reports, and engagement with participating Elder Abuse Task Force members, AGEWELL- APPTA developed 5 overarching goals for Canada’s approach to addressing the abuse of older adults:

(1) Funding models for prevention and response to abuse that are budget line items for appropriate ministries, rather than special initiatives;
(2) Establishing seniors advocate offices in the federal government, and in provinces and territories where they are not already present;
(3) Amendments to legislation to protect all older adults;
(4) Improved data collection; and
(5) Improved awareness and education, including combating ageism in society

Elder Abuse Task Force members

  • Canadian Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA),
  • BC Association of Community Response Networks (BC CRN)
  • Isobel MacKenzie, Seniors Advocate, BC
  • Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council (AEAAC)
  • Seniors NL
  • CanAGE
  • British Columbia Law Institute (BCLI)
  • Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario (EAPO)
  • Caregiving Matters
  • New Brunswick Seniors’ Advocate office

Source: AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub APPTA


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