Screen Shot 2015 06 25 at 1.13.55 PM"An overview of the Walking Together conference held in Yellowknife February 10-12, 2015.
The conference was designed to:

  • Learn about and discuss the results of the 2014 research and compare findings to similar research in 2010,
  • Use the research to identify next steps for the NWT Network to Prevent Abuse of Older Adults,
  • Learn about You Power: It’s Not Right! Neighbours, Friends, and Families for Older Adults, and
  • Decide on personal/professional actions to prevent and respond to older adult abuse."

    Source: NWT NetworkScreen Shot 2015 06 25 at 1.06.21 PM


Social Isolation "The National Seniors Council was directed in August 2013, to consult with seniors, key players from the not-for-profit, public and private sectors to assess how social isolation affects seniors and explore ways to prevent and reduce social isolation of seniors in Canada.

The objective of this report is to share the input received through the Council’s consultation efforts on the issue and provide advice in the form of suggested measures for federal consideration that could help to prevent and reduce social isolation of seniors in Canada.

The report is divided in three main sections: Consultation Process; Consultation Highlights; Suggested Measures."

Source: National Seniors Council

The Journey Begins We Can Do Better "This first report summarizes my [Isobel Mackenzie, Seniors Advocate, BC's]  findings to date and outlines how I intend to ensure we bring forward objective and meaningful information to be sure seniors are getting the best possible care and support. I am also launching my first in-depth report to examine seniors’ housing across the continuum, from independent housing to assisted living to residential care. This examination will seek to determine whether housing options and supports currently available to seniors are affordable, accessible, and appropriate. I look forward to promoting positive change." Report includes information regarding the worries of seniors, service providers and stakeholders about the growing abuse of seniors. 

Source: Office of the Seniors Advocate

Neglect Abuse and Violence Against Older Women Report of the Expert Group Meeting

“The aim of the expert group meeting was to inform the debate on neglect, abuse and violence against older women from various perspectives by addressing issue related to assessment, as well as approaches to abuse prevention and protection. The meeting offered an important opportunity to frame the debate about neglect, abuse and violence of older women and provide a way forward for the work of the United Nations system by expanding knowledge about the specific situation of older women and the elimination of violence and abuse against them and ensuring their inclusion is ongoing work.” 

LGBT Resource 3“Many LGBT older adults are at high risk for elder abuse, neglect and exploitation.

This research brief synthesizes the latest available information and research relating to the mistreatment of LGBT elders.  Information is provided on the occurrence of abuse, isolation as a risk factor, issues affecting help seeking and tips for working with LGBT elders."

Source: FORGE Transgender Aging Network (USA); National Resource Center on LGBT Aging (USA)


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