The following resource is part of the Family Violence Initiative, funded by the RCMP. Find similar tools by searching for the FVIF tag or consult the list of available resources.

makingchanges cover

"If you are a woman experiencing abuse or if you have previously been abused, this book is intended to help you.(...)
If you are a worker who offers support and counselling, or a friend or family member of a woman experiencing abuse, you may find this book helpful as well.  
For friends and family members, we have added a chapter beginning on page 70.

Content is constantly being updated. For the most recent edition, visit and follow the links to the publications on violence.
For additional resources, visit"

  • Section regarding Older Women: p. 12-13
  • Useful websites: p.86
  • Directory of Agencies and Services: p.88

Source: Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women


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