"During February-June 2010, over 100 teenagers and young adults from British Columbia to Newfoundland, Canada, and classes from three colleges in India, participated in a pilot project to develop awareness of ageism and other Elder Abuse issues." For more information and to download the kits in English or French, please see the link below.
Source: i2i Intergenerational Society
"This Intergenerational Community Toolkit gives background and assistance in planning, implementing and sustaining engaging intergenerational activities in community, health care, and school.
The BC Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport selected the Meadows School Intergenerational Immersion Project™ to be showcased in its Case Studies of Community Actions in Active Aging report in 2008. Subsequently, Sharon MacKenzie, founding educator of the Meadows School Project™ and long time advocate of intergenerational community-connected learning, was asked to author a toolkit for educators and service providers for use in promoting age-friendly communities through a wide variety of intergenerational connections. The final collaborative toolkit (BC Ministry of Health, BC Care Providers Assoc.) was launched May 2009."
Source: i2i Intergenerational Society
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