screen shot 2020 04 29 at 9.08.49 am"This Toolkit is intended to assist residences and organizations working with older adults to establish strategies for tackling bullying specifically between older people. Though existing best practices targeting bullying behaviours amongst other populations help to inform this Toolkit, the focus is on older adults, and as such, special consideration is given to this age group by utilizing the results from the SSHRC funded Seniors’ Bullying in Ontario Project. 

Though this Toolkit is intended for senior leadership and staff from seniors’ residences and organizations, the more people engaged with this Toolkit the better. Involving clients early on encourages ownership of an anti-bullying initiative. That said, an individual or group will need to co-ordinate this initiative. Further, the Toolkit itself, contains modules with instructions for a facilitator to use in order to run the specific activities. "

Source: Sheridan Centre for Elder Research


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