justcaredreams cover 2024Towards Just Care (TJC) is a community-engaged research project. We research existing home care systems and engage various communities to imagine more socially just alternatives to long-term residential care (LTRC). Towards Just Care has put together this toolkit for:

  • People fighting to access quality home care
  • Home care workers fighting to make a living wage
  • People passionate about improving disability and senior care in Canada
  • Communities fighting for the rights and wellbeing of migrant workers in Canada
  • Social movements fighting against health care privatization
  • All those fighting, dreaming, and organizing for a more just future, where we all have the support and community connections we need to thrive

The toolkit is particularly useful for those who want to fight for a more just system of care and support. It provides tools for movements and individuals to:

  • Identify who is making money from our current systems
  • Find and use supports within the system (for both home care receivers and workers)
  • Make informed choices about how to access and participate in home care systems

The toolkit can also help groups to work together to improve Ontario’s home care systems for both low-income care receivers and direct care workers by:

  • Addressing current failures built into home care systems
  • Challenging the lack of supports, funding, and status of care receivers and care workers by highlighting their perspectives on home care
  • Identifying ways to resist cutbacks (scarcity) and create more abundance in our care systems
  •  Imagining home and community based care models and practices, that honour the needs of care workers and their communities, and care receivers and their communities
  • Expanding public understanding, support, and movements for new futures, including vibrant and just home care systems

Source: Toward Just Care


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