Screen Shot 2015 10 09 at 12.54.03 PMThe SOS Abuse Kit was created by the Association québécoise de défense des droits des personnes retraitées et préretraitées, it contains a prevention, screening, intervention and training tool kit relating to the issue of elder abuse and it is meant for local senior organizations and for a variety of stakeholders across Québec.

The SOS Abuse Kit is a collection of tools that have been selected by the executive committee of the project. Most of these tools have been identified in all 17 administrative regions of Quebec by visiting the regions in 2009 and sending questionnaires to the various organizations concerned with the problem of elder abuse.

Wherever you may be in Québec you can get access to an SOS Abuse kit. You will find all the necesary tools to intervene and assist elder abuse victims appropriately.


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