The following resource is part of the Family Violence Initiative, funded by the RCMP. Find similar tools by searching for the FVIF tag or consult the list of available resources.

countering mistreatment intersectoral teamwork practice guidelines ipras

"This practice guide stems from the Bridging project, an action-research project that leveraged intersectoral practices to counter mistreatment of older adults. The project entailed three case studies, which were performed in the northeast of Montreal between the years 2012 and 2015.

In 2012-2013, various partners of the Bridging project from different activity sectors in Montreal (public safety; health and social services, from both the public and non-profit network), put forward their views on an intersectoral practice model to counter mistreatment of older adults (see back cover of this guide).

In 2013, these partners identified a breakthrough practice, namely working in intersectoral teams (simply designated as “team” throughout this guide) which consist of a police officer and a practitioner . Considering the benefits of this practice, they expressed the wish to document, model and disseminate it. Three teams were studied for this purpose: one team for transferring the know-how to other teams, one team for implementing its practice and one team for developing its practice. The members of the respective teams under study were from various organizations, but for practical considerations, they are referred to in generic categories in this guide."

Also available: 
Integrated Police Response For Abused Seniors - Practice Guidelines
Integrated Police Response for Abused Seniors (IPRAS) - Online Toolkit

Source: Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults


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