spread the word cover''Purpose of this Guide:
To help coordinate consistent messaging across the CRNs in BC during major provincial/national events on adult abuse and neglect throughout the calendar year.

How to use this guide:
Use this guide as your starting point for:

  • Content. (No need to write anything from scratch!)
  • Activities to compliment or refresh your community level efforts.
  • For those on social media, or thinking about starting a social media presence, use the sample posts in this guide to keep your social media content fresh throughout the year, and aligned to other CRNs. Copy and paste as much or as little as you choose.

This guide contains samples of:

  • Awareness building activities.
  • Media releases.
  • Posts for social media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook).
    Note: Link your activities to your CRN’s mandate, and the intent of the event or campaign you choose to participate in.

Who is this guide is for:
CRN Coordinators. Regional Mentors''

Source:  BC Association of Community Response Networks (BCCRN)


Publishing Criteria

Any resource posted on the Hub is first screened based on the publishing criteria. If you wish to share a resource with the community, please ensure that it fits the requirements and email it to us. We usually post material within 72hrs of receiving it. 

Publishing Criteria

Invitation to Contribute

Become a contributor to the hub!

  • Share your ongoing projects, research updates and favourite tools
  • Announce your upcoming events
  • Tell us about promising practices and initiatives via a blog post.

Check out our publishing criteria or email us for more information 

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