Informations juridiques
"This material contains information and guidance for practice. The information is not legal advice. In many instances it will be your obligation to ensure that an older adult gets legal advice as soon as possible. All material provided is up to date as of August 31, 2010. Health care professionals and/or service providers should use this form to document concerns about abuse or neglect of an older adult. The National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE) has published user-friendly versions of the following tools:
- Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Charting Sheet Tool
- Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Mental Capacity and Consent
- Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Confidential Patient and Client Information
- Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Factsheet for Administrators
- Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Factsheet for Doctors
- Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Factsheet for Nurses
- Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Factsheet For Personal Support Workers
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