Le premier Plan d’action gouvernemental pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées 2010-2015 (PAM) reconduit jusqu’en 2017, est né d’une consultation publique sur les conditions de vie des aînés. Le déploiement des mesures comprises dans ce premier plan d’action a permis d’atteindre les trois objectifs principaux suivants :
Source: Ministère de la famille du Québec
The Ontario’s Strategy to Combat Elder Abuse first launched in 2002 to create awareness and protect vulnerable seniors from harm. The Minister Responsible for Seniors, and the Attorney General announced the Strategy, the first of its kind in Canada. Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario is a partner in the implementation of the strategy.
The Strategy is based on 3 priorities of activities:
- Coordination of community services
- Public education and awareness
- Training of front-line staff
"An early milestone of the National Strategy for Financial Literacy—Count me in, Canada was the publication of a strategy to enhance the financial literacy of current and future seniors. The senior’s strategy sets out four goals as the foundation for moving forward:
- engaging more Canadians in preparing financially for their future years as seniors
- helping current seniors plan and manage their financial affairs
- improving understanding of and access to public benefits for seniors
- increasing tools to combat financial abuse of seniors.
A broad range of organizations from the public, private and non-profit sectors will contribute to the implementation of the seniors’ strategy. The Financial Literacy Leader, together with the members of the National Steering Committee on Financial Literacy, will coordinate an action plan to make progress toward these goals."
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