MPP Lindsey Park has introduced Bill 104, Connected Communities Act, 2022. The Bill requires the Government of Ontario "to maintain a strategy that aims to reduce instances of loneliness and social isolation in Ontario and support persons who may be struggling with loneliness or social isolation.The Act provides one year for the development of an initial strategy and requires the Government of Ontario to subsequently review the strategy at least once every five years. Consultations are required when developing or reviewing the strategy."

CNPEA welcomes this private Members' bill, after witnessing the devastating impact of loneliness and social isolation on older Canadians across the country. ''Social isolation and loneliness have skyrocketed during the pandemic. This has affected our collective mental and physical health and left too many older Canadians in distress and vulnerable to abuse and neglect.'' says Executive Director, Bénédicte Schoepflin. "CNPEA is thrilled to see that MPP Lindsay Park's private Members' bill aims to tackle this significant issue and give it the attention it deserves. We all need to feel like we belong. It is time to foster social inclusion, across the lifecourse."


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