By Laura Bailey

The Community Elder Abuse Prevention Committee of Thunder Bay, Ontario, with funding from New Horizons Canada, has developed a series of powerful videos about elder abuse. The Victims' Voices videos present the stories of real victims of elder financial abuse perpetrated by individuals who preyed on seniors. In the hope of protecting other seniors, these brave victims generously agreed to be interviewed by the Thunder Bay Police. Using those interviews, we will share their stories.Marie screenshot 1

Our aim is to spread awareness of the financial abuse of older adults and to assess the effectiveness of these videos in educating the public. We are collecting this information using a 5-minute survey, available at this link, along with the two 5-minute videos.

Please take a few minutes to watch the videos and take the survey. We are hoping you will help spread the word about this project. Posting the link below on your website or emailing the link and description to your email list subscribers would be appreciated. Our target audiences are both older adults and those who care for them. 
For more information, contact Laura Bailey at 


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