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Annual General Meeting 
Thursday, September 28, 2017
10 am to 11:30 pm (Pacific Time) 

1 pm to 2:30 pm (Eastern time) 

On September 28th, join us to elect new Board members, and hear about the Network's latest activities!

Please register here

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Kavina Nagrani, ON 
A lawyer in Toronto, Ontario, Kavina focuses her legal practice in elder law.  She has become an elder advocate and has affiliated herself with a number of local organizations that aim to help older adults and advocate for elder issues in the community. Kavina wishes to help make a difference not only for elders today but those of tomorrow and our future. Kavina has recently completed the Elder Law Certification program at Osgoode Law and is well educated in areas of law and health care contributing to her understanding of the issues that our aging population is facing today.  Kavina has also partnered with a few private healthcare businesses locally to try and bring more cohesive advice to their mutual clients.  She has recently launched a monthly online newsletter called Legacies and Liberties where once a month she writes about elder law issues. 

Kalin McCluskey, ON 
Presently, Kalin is pursuing a PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies focused on Aging Policy, specifically the intersections of health and social policy as it pertains to older adults.  Prior to returning to her studies, she served as Director of Policy to the federal Minister of State (Seniors), where she first heard of the CNPEA. Kalin is passionate about Human Rights and ensuring that everyone is treated with dignity, particularly older adults “who are such wonderful additions to our communities, yet often not treated as such”. Kalin has long been a follower of the CNPEA and its work in raising awareness of Elder Abuse and also equipping individuals and communities with tangible actions to follow to prevent or report Elder Abuse in Canada.  She recognizes that we collectively have a long way to go in this work.  Kalin’s interest in sitting on the CNPEA is to bring her background in both the study and practice of public policy to advance the CNPEA's important work.  As a Board Member, she is able to contribute with the following skills: "research skills (qualitative and quantitative); communication skills (in a variety of formats); policy skills (both advocacy and internal policy and procedures); and in equal measure - enthusiasm, positivity, and passion”.

Weiguo Zhang, ON 
Weiguo has been conducting research on aging and care in China in the past 10 years, and has recently started to engage in research and community service on Chinese immigrants in Canada. His research on elder abuse among Chinese immigrant families, using a participatory action research,  together with Chinese senior associations and service providers in Mississauga can bridge local communities, service providers, research institutions, and policy makers in addressing research and practice on understanding and preventing mistreatment of older adults. 

Mélanie Couture, QC 
As a researcher (Centre de recherche et d’expertise en gérontologie sociale ) working directly in the social and health care system, an important part of Mélanie’s research program is aimed at developing scientific knowledge in regards to older adult mistreatment. As the scientific lead of the Health interventions and technology assessment unit, she provides support for researchers, administrators and health care professionals in relation to program evaluation and knowledge transfer. At the provincial level, Mélanie’s research team, with the help of the government (MSSS and MFA), developed and validated a policy to prevent older adult mistreatment in long-term care facilities. Mélanie’s work is not only about developing scientific knowledge but it also focuses on applying this type of knowledge in real-word situation to support efforts to counter older adult mistreatment.

Danie Gagnon, NB 
Danie is Project Manager in the New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes, where her work involves bringing awareness to elder abuse issues. Danie’s work has led her to various volunteer positions, including the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Center on Family Violence (MMFC)  to create and co-chair a research team on the abuse and neglect of older adults in the Maritimes (ANOART). Danie is entering a Master's program this fall to research the abuse of older adults in institutional settings. Her research interests are focused on cultivating a better understanding on the abuse of older Canadians, contributing to the base of data on the subject, and further expanding on meaningful ways to affect change and protect vulnerable older adults. Danie’s long term objectives include participating in the greater discussion of aging care in New Brunswick, and contributing to the development of a healthy and sustainable infrastructure for the care of New Brunswick’s aging population through research-based activities.

Pam Burns, AB 
Pam brings 21 years experience in Social Work and has worked with various age groups throughout her career. Pam’s current work is in the non-profit sector for an organization that provides direct service to the senior population in Fort McMurray, Alberta. Pam is the Coordinator for the local Coordinated Community Response to Elder Abuse, she sits on a City Council-appointed committee called the Advisory Committee on Aging (which is working towards an Age Friendly Community within her region). Pam is also a Board Member of the Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council.

Lorraine Phaneuf, NWT 
Lorraine has many years of experience as a front line worker in a predominately Tlicho region community. She also worked  as a Program Developer for the Status of Women Council of the NWT before she became its Executive Director.  She has been recognized on the Federal Status of Women Canada with her participation as an NWT representative now for many years.


Sarita Israel
Sarita is a bilingual trained clinician, and part of a team specializing in elder abuse prevention since 1991. Sarita holds a double Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Social Work from McGill University and holds a key position in elder abuse research, training, clinical practice as well as in the development of clinical practice guides. She was a pioneering member of the multisectoral consultation team in Québec. Sarita is a consultant for the implementation, coordination and clinical development of the Ligne Aide Abus Aînés. She has trained the trainers for the elder abuse prevention network throughout Québec. She is also involved in several partnership projects championing the development of knowledge, practice, resources and programs geared towards the prevention and response to elder abuse.

Lori Weeks
Dr. Lori Weeks is a Gerontologist who completed a Ph.D. and a Graduate Certificate in Gerontology at Virginia Tech in 1998. Lori worked in assisted living in her home province of Prince Edward Island for three years before becoming a faculty member at the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) from 2001-2014. She taught courses at UPEI focused on families and gerontology including family violence, women and aging, and issues in family law and social policy. In January 2015, Lori joined Dalhousie University as an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing. Her primary research interests focus on care and support services for older adults and their caregivers, and factors affecting the health of seniors. Her research often focuses on vulnerable populations. Lori has conducted research on the abuse of older adults with particular focus on supports for older abused women and training peer educators to raise awareness about elder abuse.



Publishing Criteria

Any resource posted on the Hub is first screened based on the publishing criteria. If you wish to share a resource with the community, please ensure that it fits the requirements and email it to us. We usually post material within 72hrs of receiving it. 

Publishing Criteria

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  • Share your ongoing projects, research updates and favourite tools
  • Announce your upcoming events
  • Tell us about promising practices and initiatives via a blog post.

Check out our publishing criteria or email us for more information 

Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors


CNPEA would like to thank our generous sponsors who contribute to the sustainability of our knowledge-sharing hub
