Sherry Baker (BCCRN) and Gloria Gutman (SFU Gerontology)Vancouver, BC -

On May 16, 2018, Executive Director of the BC Associations of Community Response Networks (BCCRN) and long-term CNPEA Board member, Sherry Baker, became the 2018 recipient of the Simon Fraser University Abuse Awareness to Action Award. 

Sherry was recognized during a public event and lecture on the first night of the annual John K. Friesen Conference, organized by the Simon Fraser University Gerontology Research Centre. CNPEA's board and staff were thrilled to nominate Sherry; all of us at CNPEA wished to see Sherry be honoured for her indefatigable work in elder abuse prevention. 

Sherry Baker has been the Executive Director of the BC Association of Community Response Networks since July 2010. Over the years she has been actively involved with a number of key organizations in British Columbia that focus on abuse, safety or justice matters such as Ishtar Transition Housing Society, the BC Centre for Elder Advocacy (now Seniors First) and the Minerva Foundation for B.C. Women. Sherry has been part of and chaired several provincial, regional and local boards over the years, including the Council to Reduce Elder Abuse, the Board of Registration for Social Workers and the College of Occupational Therapists of BC. She was awarded the Canada 125 Medal "in recognition of significant contribution to compatriots, community and to Canada," has been awarded two Paul Harris Fellowships by Rotary International and received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2013.

 img 4866Sherry's tireless dedication and passion and her profound commitment to BCCRN, to CNPEA, and to the safety and well-being of older adults have changed things for the better in countless communities around British Columbia. We are so proud to see Sherry receive this award. It is the well-deserved recognition of a career dedicated to eradicating elder abuse and strengthening communities across the province and across Canada.


Photos:2018 - Friesen Conference
Sherry Baker and Dr. Gloria Gutman (SFU Gerontology); Sherry Baker and CCEL National Director Krista James 
(Credit: T. James)



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