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CNPEA, in collaboration with Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario and  Sheatre, will host a webinar about Mishoo miinwaa Noki ~ You, Me and Wrinkles (aka Wrinkles), a new 12-part elder abuse prevention podcast. Wrinkles is an innovative platform designed to break the silence around elder abuse and difficult situations. It ignites conversations and provides an opportunity for chats about elder abuse to begin, grow and evolve in your own community. Sheatre invites people to not only listen and learn about this important issue, but also to act to protect the safety and well-being of older adults.

Sheatre’s presenters will share their insights and lived experiences from the perspective of Indigenous people. Participants will hear a podcast excerpt from the audio drama that illustrates the domestic abuse and neglect that seniors can face (listener discretion is advised). As well, they’ll hear an excerpt of a post-show discussion.

This overview of Wrinkles’ format will show how integrating community-created drama with a post-show discussion promotes the sharing of essential insights, resources and strategies between elders, community members of all ages, and service providers.

The session will discuss the process of how the community worked together to create this unique program. It will powerfully demonstrate the importance of hearing authentic voices of older adults as they tell true stories of their experiences. You will hear how one story sparks a cascade of knowledge-sharing – and can inspire listeners to bring elder abuse out of the shadows and normalize talking about it. Sheatre’s members will also discuss how you can easily use this program in your community to recognize, prevent abuse and support people in your own area.



joan chandler sheatreJoan Chandler, Artistic Director, Sheatre

Joan Chandler’s unique specialty is community arts for social change — particularly interactive Forum Theatre productions about social issues — and works that celebrate community and the creative spirit. Joan has a keen ability to work with groups, collaboratively spinning new plays with, by and about ordinary people, that tell their own galvanizing stories. She is also an award-winning script writer. Over a decades long career, Joan has produced, directed and co-facilitated the creation of over 115 plays across Ontario and abroad, reaching audiences in rural and small urban environments.


dorothy wassegijig kennedyDorothy Wassegijig-Kennedy 

Dorothy Wassegijig-Kennedy is Anishinaabe kwe of the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory of Manitoulin Island. She is a mother of three and Nookmiss to three grandchildren. Dorothy is now semi-retired, having worked in various capacities since she was 19 years old. During this time, she obtained her Language Instructor certification, two university degrees, Psychotherapist certification and Indigenous Art Therapist certification. She worked for the Wikwemikong Health Centre for 25 years as a Community Wellness Worker focusing on the prevention, intervention and healing from family violence. Dorothy also did one-on-one work and facilitated many educational and healing programs over the years. Dorothy worked with many Residential School survivors and learned firsthand what many experienced. From these accounts, she has come to understand the issues that stem from this trauma.

mary ann sackabuckshkumMary Ann Sackabuckshkum

Mary Ann is from a Non-Status Algonquin family originating in the La Verendrye District of the North Shore of the St. Lawrence River in Quebec, bordered by the Ottawa River and Saguenay River watersheds. Hers is a story of triumphing over adversity, growing up with a parent who had not fully overcome their own experiences of family /domestic violence and addictions issues, and then marrying into another family with the same dysfunctions, not once but twice. She approaches Life from a Lifelong-Learning perspective. Her passions are art, archaeology, traditional crafts, drumming, and anything to do with the plants of the natural world.

This year she is 34 years sober from alcohol and attests to the necessity of returning to traditional teachings and lifestyle to maintain balance in Life. She successfully raised 4 children alone as a single parent in a poor neighbourhood of a large city, then graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in the field of ‘Humanities’ [Magna Cum Laude] followed by a Master’s Degree [Cum Laude]. She worked as a Probation and Parole Officer with the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services across the Province of Ontario, spending significant time in remote northern communities and remote rural villages along the road systems, as well as in big cities. Mary Ann has combined all her learning and life experiences into a unique perspective on the issues of poverty and lack, and abuse, throughout life. Mary Ann retired in 2019 and continues to be active in her local Indigenous community.”

david seredadavid sereda

david sereda is a singer, songwriter, composer and producer. He is an  associate artist with Sheatre for over 20 years. .He is a distinctive voice in music and theatre, and has performed in concerts and festivals across the country, recorded albums of his original songs, and written, performed in, and directed musicals in theatres nationwide.With Sheatre he has produced several tours of Far From the Heart (the interactive dating violence prevention play) in Ontario and Saskatchewan and recently the elder abuse prevention podcasts. He was a collaborator with Joan Chandler in creating the original musicals TOM (about visionary artist Tom Thomson) and Snow Wonder (about the magic of winter in Grey Bruce), as well as development of new plays about homophobia, dementia and elder abuse. david lives in Grey County, Ontario, close to Georgian Bay.