un convention april 10 banner withsponsor



Canada has a long-standing history of leading Human Rights movements starting with the vote at the UN to adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 – a promise of freedom, equality and justice for all.

Today older adults represent the fastest growing demographic in our country yet we know that they do not enjoy the same protections as others and that the core of this societal injustice is ageism.

The impacts of age discrimination carry significantly negative outcomes for the quality of life of older adults who are becoming invisible. They deserve to be treated with dignity and respect and afforded opportunities to participate equally in society.

Together with our partner organizations, we are calling on Canada to advocate for and support the declaration of a UN convention on the Rights of Older Persons, to foster a world free from ageism.

Strengthening our collective voice means being informed about the facts, knowing how far we have come and what must happen in May 2024 during the Open Ended Working Group on Ageing at the U.N.

Join CNPEA, ILC Canada and EAPO to learn more about what is at stake without this legally binding instrument and how to contribute to the growing global public support for change. On April 10th, learn how you can participate and Get Serious About Human Rights!

ASL Interpretation available

Guest Speakers 

  • Honourable Minister Seamus O’Regan, Minister for Seniors
  • The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, 26th Governor General of Canada (1999-2005) 


  • The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson 

  • Margaret Gillis
    President International Longevity Centre (ILC) Canada & Co-President, ILC Global Alliance
  • Marta Hajek
    CEO, Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario
  • Amal Abou Rafeh
    Chief Programme on Ageing Section (PAS), Social Inclusion and Participation Branch, Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD),
    Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), United Nations
  • Bridget Sleap
    Senior Researcher, Human Rights Watch
  • Margaret Young
    Founder Age Knowble, Chair of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People (GAROP)
  • Frances Zainoeddin
    Vice-Chair of the NGO Committee on Ageing, New York

Please find below some background information on the need for a UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons, as well as the links and resources shared during the webinar :

Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People (GAROP)
GAROP is strengthening the rights and voices of older people globally.

  • Sign their petition urging governments to start drafting a United Nations (UN) convention on the rights of older people without delay: https://bit.ly/3JGXSJQ
  • The Global Rally is a key part of the Age with Rights campaign that provides opportunity for people around the world who support the stronger protection and promotion of older people’s human rights to unite in solidarity and call on governments to take action and support the drafting of the United Nations (UN) convention on the rights of older people. Browse the Global Rally 2024 activities: https://rightsofolderpeople.org/2024-global-rally-activities/
  • Age With Rights Social media toolkit:  https://trello.com/b/1GvF0idt/age-with-rights-global-rally-2024
  • Age With Rights Campaign Video - 

Canadian Coalition Against Ageism (CCAA)

We also encourage you to join the Canadian Coalition Against Ageism (CCAA), a nation-wide social change movement to combat ageism against older people while protecting and strengthening their human rights.
Learn more at : https://www.ilccanada.org/ccaa  and Join Now as a supporter https://bit.ly/supportCCAA