Join the movement in shaping the future of Elder Abuse Prevention
Download the presentation in English
Download the presentation in French
Krista James, Coordinator of the Knowledge Sharing Project will introduce the CNPEA’s new online knowledge-sharing hub. This interactive platform is built by and for elder abuse professionals to help you connect with your peers across Canada, promote your work, and engage in live discussions with a wide variety of professionals.
The CNPEA site offers you centralized access to the most recent tools and resources for the elder abuse community. It also acts as a showcase for your work and a sounding board for your community of practice. In one visit, you will be able to connect with fellow elder abuse professionals, learn about the latest research or promising practices, promote your work and register for events and webinars. Learn how you can join Canada’s first national hub for the elder abuse community and help it grow. The one-hour presentation will include
- a brief introduction of the Network and its mission
- a presentation of the website’s interactive features
- an overview of 10 different ways you can get involved in the Knowledge-Sharing Project, such as:
- profiling a Promising Project of yours,
- becoming a guest blogger,
- engaging in a nation-wide conversation about an aspect of your work etc.
The presentation will be in English, with PowerPoint slides available both in English and French.
Stakeholders in the following fields: Community Development, Counselling, Domestic Violence, Education, Financial Services, Healthcare provider, Housing/shelter, Law enforcement, Legal, Long term care, Research, Seniors Services, Victim support and more.
- British Columbia
Tuesday September 15, 2015
10.30 AM PST
Presentation hosted by the BC Association of Community Response Networks
through a conference line accompanied by PowerPoint slides
To register email Sharon Johnson at
{Registrations from outside of B.C. are welcome}
Wednesday September 16, 2015
1pm-2pm EDT
Webinar hosted by Elder Abuse Ontario
Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone here
You can also dial in using your phone.
Canada (Toll-free): 1 877 777 3281
Canada +1 (647) 497-9380
Access Code: 505-591-117