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Strategic Objectives for 2019-2024
Since the launch of the Hub in 2015, CNPEA’s membership and reach increased by 35%, and CNPEA continues to ensure that projects and tools being developed are not lost, due to lack of dissemination or isolation. We also continue to build relationships with stakeholders, governments, and organizations, across sectors and disciplines to support our strategic goals. Over the past few years, CNPEA has also led projects on family violence and access to justice for older victims of sexual assault.
In order to support the Network’s expansion and CNPEA’s growth as a leader in knowledge exchange on elder abuse prevention and intervention in Canada and internationally, the Board of Directors has developed a new Strategic Planning for 2019-2024. This document presents the main pillars of this plan.
Strategic Plan Review
- Year 1 Review (2020) - Read it here
- Year 2 Review (2021) - Read it here
- Year 3 Review (2022) - Read it here NEW!
Knowledge Sharing Project (2013-2016)
The CNPEA Knowledge Sharing Project was a three-year initiative to support the exchange of ideas and resources among key stakeholders who are working to prevent and respond to elder abuse in Canada. Key goals of the Knowledge Sharing Project:
- Create mechanisms for sharing information about promising approaches in elder abuse prevention and response. This website exists to realize that goal. It is a national electronic hub for connecting service providers and seniors’ organizations. The hub serves as a central point of contact for elder abuse information and resources across Canada.
- Increase the capacity of organizations and networks to prevent and respond to cases of elder abuse, by
- facilitating access to reliable information and key resources
- connecting stakeholders to each other through the hub