HeatherCampbellHeather Campbell Pope, LLB, LLM, est la fondatrice de Dementia Justice Canada, un organisme à but non lucratif qui veille à protéger les droits et la dignité des personnes atteintes de démence qui se retrouvent dans le système de justice pénale à la suite de comportements réactifs ou agressifs. Retrouvez ses essais d'opinion sur Substack.




Jennifer est née et a grandi à Vancouver. Elle est actuellement en première année de droit à la faculté de droit Peter A. Allard, à l'université de Colombie Britannique. Elle a préalablement obtenu un baccalauréat en Arts, avec une double spécialisation en sciences politiques et histoire. Jennifer est ravie de travailler avec le RCPMTA grâce au Réseau national d'étudiant(e)s pro bono. Lorsqu'elle a du temps libre (un luxe ces temps-ci), Jennifer aime faire de la randonnée, regarder la télé et rester caffeinée. Vous pouvez-contacter Jennifer à .

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Raissa Dickinson is the Manager of Community Engagement at the Canadian Centre for Elder Law.  Her work at the Centre supports multiple initiatives pertaining to social policy, community development, legal research and reform.  Raissa obtained a Masters in Public Health from the University of British Columbia in 2013 and Project Management Professional Certification in 2015.  Experiences in the public health and project management range from community based research, knowledge translation, planning and policy development. Raissa has strong roots in community development and has provided support to people within the intersections of mental health, substance abuse, homelessness and violence against women.

Connect with Raissa at:  and 604.822.0633


Margaret has many years of experience in the financial services industry with banks, trust companies and credit unions.  She also has two undergraduate degrees, two Master’s (Liberal Studies and Gerontology) and is currently pursuing her PhD exploring how gerontology and the humanities can help to sustain personhood as we age.

She is also actively involved in training on aging issues.  Her company, The Meridian Aging Project, offers a wide range of courses on issues related to aging, she has prepared online courses on aging for the business community with WeGuideU, and recently taught The Psychology of Adult Development and Aging at the University of Calgary. 

Connect with Margaret Easton at:


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Allison Jones is the Generations Coordinator at QMUNITY, BC’s Queer Resource Centre. Working with lesbian, gay, bi and trans seniors is satisfying because seniors are comfortable with who they are, even if society has not always accepted them. Generations delivers an exciting and innovative approach to age specific service delivery, education and community development for older adults.
For more information please contact Allison at  or 604-684-8449 


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