The National Centre on Elder Abuse at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
released two PSA videos (short and long versions) on January 2, 2018. These PSAs were created in collaboration with the FrameWorks Institute as part of a long-term project ''to disseminate a new evidence-based communication strategy on elder abuse''. 



Previously released  project material

Strengthening the Support: How to Talk about Elder Abuse (2017)
This report synthesizes the framing research on elder abuse and outlines a practical, actionable communications strategy for advocates to put the issue on the public agenda and boost support for systemic solutions to prevent and address it.

Talking Elder Abuse: A FrameWorks Communications Toolkit (2017)
This resource is a collection of evidence-based tools to support the efforts of advocates against elder abuse to help the public better understand the issue,change perceptions of it, and build support for solutions to it.

“You Only Pray that Somebody Would Step In:” Mapping the Gaps BetweenExpert and Public Understandings of Elder Abuse in America (2016)
This report examines patterns of public thinking and compares the public’s deep cultural understandings with the views of issue experts.

Source: FrameWorks Institute


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