World Elder Abuse Awareness Day serves as stark reminder that, too often, seniors’ basic human rights are ignored

For immediate release

TORONTO ON, June 13—A coalition of Canada’s leading organizations advocating on seniors' issues are teaming up to host a national virtual event on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (June 15th), bringing together politicians, thought experts and members of the public to discuss the rising rates of elder abuse in our country. Incidents of elder abuse skyrocketed by an estimated 250% during the first year of the pandemic in Ontario alone, with the vast majority of cases going unreported. Studies also show that 1 in 2 people are prejudiced against older people and 1 in 5 Canadians think seniors are a burden on society. Given that recent census data shows people aged 85+ are one of the fastest-growing age groups, with a 12% increase from 2016, tackling the deeply-rooted societal perceptions of seniors’ human rights is critical to Canada’s future.

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Prevent Elder Abuse Manitoba
 (PEAM), the provincial elder abuse prevention network for Manitoba, released the infographic below to highlight efforts and results related to elder abuse prevention and response in Manitoba. This work was accomplished in collaboration with many local organizations, including A&0 Supports for Older Adults and Klinik Communicty Health.

For resources and  information about upcoming WEAAD events in Manitoba, visit

infographic about peam activity 2021 22

The House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women is currently conducting a study on intimate and domestic violence in Canada. CNPEA submitted a brief, in collaboration with the Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children (CREVAWC).

We emphasized the additional barriers and challenges that older women experience, due to ageism and the ensuing lack of availability of specialized policies and services. We recommended a holistic approach, buidling bridges between the sectors of elder abuse and violence against women prevention and diverse communities in Canada to better respond to the unique needs of older women experiencing intimate partner violence.

You can access our brief as well the 63 other briefs submitted by individuals and organizations, on the Standing Committee on the Status of Women’s website.

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OPEN LETTER: It’s time for the Liberal government to step up and protect vulnerable pensioners

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau and Ministers Freeland, Champagne and Khera,

We are writing on behalf of the more than 4.3 million Canadians who rely on defined benefit pensions to urge the Liberal government to take action on pension protection.

The NDP’s Daniel Blaikie and the CPC’s Marilyn Gladu recently introduced two bills (C-225 and C-228, respectively) to protect defined benefit pensions. These bills build on the success of the Bloc’s Marilène Gill’s Bill C-253 in the last parliament. While each bill is different, each seeks to mitigate the risk of pension loss by putting pensioners closer to the front of the line when a company goes bankrupt.  

Under current Canadian insolvency laws, banks eat first.

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by Kalie Dutchak

CNPEA is always on the lookout for new developments and programs that support healthy and safe aging across the country. In this blog post, we shine a light on recent developments on Prince Edward Island.

Kalie Dutchak interviewed local and national advocate for seniors Olive Bryanton to learn more about new initiatives that aim to better serve the older adult population and address ageism in P.E.I. communities.

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