How Elder Abuse can be Prevented Through Age-Friendly Community Plans
Presented by Raeann Rideout, Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario
Hosted by the Ontario Age-Friendly Communities Outreach Program on September 25, 2019.
''The abuse of older adults is becoming all too common in our communities, but by effectively planning for and supporting age-friendly communities, the risks for elder abuse can be mitigated and the abuse prevented.
Communities across Ontario have been developing Age-Friendly Plans/Strategies and actively engaging in the implementation of these measures, to enhance relevant programs and services to support these communities. The prevention of elder abuse can be integrated within various elements of the World Health Organization’s framework, including Respect and Social Inclusion, and Social Participation.
By being responsive to the needs of older adults, who are vulnerable, at-risk or experiencing abuse, we can create environments that will positively and directly impact the quality of life as people age.''
Source: Ontario Age-Friendly Communities Outreach Program
''What can your mentoring program learn about Intergenerational Programming?
With changing demographics and ageing populations, more and more Alberta citizens are aging, and looking for a way to create strong, thriving and age-friendly communities.
What can your mentoring program learn from existing successful Intergenerational programs?
How can you support your youth and senior mentors to share their gifts and experiences across generations?
Join the LINKages team, a Calgary-based intergenerational organization for a conversation about the ins and outs of creating impactful intergenerational programming.''
Source: Alberta Mentoring Partnership
''Loneliness and social isolation are now being recognized as public health issues in Ontario. In his recent report, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. David C. Williams highlights the growing evidence that loneliness and social isolation have negative impacts on our health and wellbeing. He also recognizes the need to understand how community structures have shifted over time and why some Ontarians may not have a stronger sense of belonging.
In this webinar, Dr. Williams discusses his report Connected Communities: Healthier Together. Dr. Williams answered questions about the purpose of these reports, as well as the reason for the community focus and the call for investment in community. He talked about the value of community, being connected to community, and the lack of data surrounding social isolation and loneliness.''
Source: Tamarack Institute
On June 10, 2019, CNPEA Chair Kathy Majowski participated in a dialogue about Supporting Older Adults: Health Care Autonomy, during a meeting of the Manitoba Bar Association Elder Law Section. Kathy's presentation focused on Health Care Directives. The presentation covers the following:
- Health Care Directive Vs Advance Care Plan
- Why Health Care Directives?
- Drawbacks
- Useful resources and workbooks
- What to include?
- 5 Steps to HCDs/ACPs
Watch the full presentation here:
Between January 2014 and December 2016, Canadians lost over $290 millions to frauds and scams. CNPEA has gathered key facts and tips in a handy Prezi presentation format, we encourage you to use it if you ever need to introduce the topic of frauds, scams and financial abuse to a group.
Little Black Book of Scams, 2nd Edition - Competition Bureau of Canada
Read the Fine Print - Office of Consumer Affairs, Canada
Canadian Consumer Handbook
Financial abuse: what you need to know and where to get help - Canadian Bankers Association
Top 10 Scams - Better Business Bureau
Fraud Facts—Recognize, Reject, Report Fraud - Competition Bureau of Canada
Fraud Types - Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
Scam Prevention Flashcards - Institute on Aging
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