Présenté par Kate Martin et Donna Bailey  (Credit Union Central of Canada)
Le 5 novembre 2015 
13h-14h heure de l'Est
Plus d'informations

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Is elder abuse prevention and response a part of your practice?

Whether you are lawyer, notary, health care professional, social worker, financial planner, police officer, or other kind of practitioner—the Elder Law Conference offers programming to help you understand the dynamics of elder abuse and enhance your practice.

This year’s conference includes not only legal subjects, but also sessions that deal with policy and practice.  Featured topics are:

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By Dr. Sander Hitzig


The National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE; is an international network of researchers, practitioners and students dedicated to improving the care of older adults, both in Canada and abroad.  NICE works to addresses the core challenges of aging, including informal caregiving, financial literacy, dementia care, end-of-life issues, ethnicity and aging, dental care, mental health, the law and aging, and elder abuse. One way NICE works to accomplish this goal is through the development of paper and digital tools to help older adults and their families, practitioners and policy-makers learn what they can do to address these issues.  In the area of elder abuse, there are tools available on how to define and screen for elder abuse (e.g., Defining and Measuring Elder Abuse [DMEA], Caregiving Abuse Screen [CASE], Elder Abuse Suspicion Index [EASI]), and what steps can be taken to address this serious social issue (e.g., Being Least Intrusive [BLI], IN HAND). 

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By Heather Campbell

In Canada, there is no specific crime of “elder abuse” identified in the Criminal Code
. Instead, crimes committed against older people must be prosecuted under other criminal provisions, such as failing to provide the necessaries of life (s. 215), manslaughter (s. 236), assault (s. 265), sexual assault (s. 271), unlawful confinement (s. 279), uttering threats (s. 264.1), theft (s. 334), theft by power of attorney (s. 331) and fraud (s. 380). This contrasts to the U.S. approach, where many states have criminal legislation that specifically define “elder abuse” as a crime.

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Interview with Betty Cornelius, Founder of CanGrands

18 years ago, Betty Cornelius became the custodian of her granddaughter to protect her from her substance-abusing parents. Betty quickly came to the realization that many grandparents find themselves in similar complex situations every day and are in need of guidance. These seniors often face physical or verbal threats from their own children, along with the challenges of raising a grandchild. This is how CanGrands National Kinship Support was born. CanGrands is a national grass-roots organization dedicated to the advocacy and support of grandparents and relatives raising grandchildren.  What started with an ad in the Oshawa newspaper and a rented community hall has evolved into a national association with 25 chapters across the country (3 new chapters are in the startup process) and a yearly intergenerational kinship camp.

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