
Sharon MacKenzie, Executive Director of i2i Intergenerational SocietyIntergenerational Day was born in 2010, out of the momentum created by World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). The purpose of IG Day, as it is often referred to, is to illustrate and honour the richness of intergenerational partnerships through varied initiatives.

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Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults: 
Person-Centered, Collaborative, System-Wide Approaches





CNPEA: What was the impetus for this project?
Susan McNeill: Prior to leading this project,we were funded by the New Horizons for Seniors Program to work in partnership with the Canadian Nurses Association and establish 10 PEACE (Prevention of Elder Abuse Centres of Excellence) sites to promote the awareness of abuse in long-term care settings. Through this project we developed a training curriculum for nurses and other front-line care providers on how to prevent and respond to cases of abuse and neglect in long-term care homes.  

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Credit union system, not-for profit sector and government come together to raise awareness about preventing financial abuse of older adults

Financial abuse of older adults is the most common type of elder abuse in Canada. For the credit union system, Prevent Elder Abuse Manitoba (PEAM), federal and provincial governments, taking a step towards preventing financial abuse of older adults has meant collaborating to make sure credit union employees have the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to financial abuse.

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Tell us about the AEAAN

Pat Power: The Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Network has been around since about 2003. It has two main objectives:
-to create awareness of elder abuse amongst seniors and others in the community.
-to support service providers and other professionals who are trying to deal with the issue of elder abuse.

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