Screen Shot 2016 01 26 at 1.30.00 PMWEAAD -Then, Now and Tomorrow:
Tools and Initiatives to Raise Awareness
and End Elder Abuse and Exploitation



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English / French

Wednesday May 4, 2016 - 1pm-2pm EDT

The National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE: is a knowledge transfer and exchange network dedicated to improving the care of older adults in Canada and abroad. One of the main approaches for knowledge transfer has been the development of 'pocket' tools that address the core challenges of aging. 

NICE has developed over 100 pocket tools in the areas of financial literacy, mental health, dementia care, end-of-life issues, caregiving, the law and aging, and elder abuse. However, there has been no formal evaluation to date on the impact of these tools. 

To address this gap in knowledge, a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada funded pan-Canadian initiative is being undertaken by Dr. Lynn McDonald (principal investigator) to evaluate the impact of NICE's pocket tools. 

For this webinar, you will be provided with
1. An overview of the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly;
2. a description of some of the available NICE elder abuse tools;
3. the goals and methods for evaluating NICE pocket tools;
4. preliminary findings on NICE pocket tool use across Canada, with a focus on the elder abuse tools.

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The CNPEA is pleased to collaborate with i2i Intergenerational Society, the BC Association of Community Response Networks (BCCRN) and CHNET-Works! at the University of Ottawa on this new webinar.

Audio recording coming soon.


Thursday, April 28, 2016
1pm-2pm EDT

For decades, governments, non-profits, community health and education advocates have worked from two different camps to alleviate bullying of youth and abuse of older adults.
This webinar will assist you in understanding reasons for, and ways to bring, those two generational camps together, simply and cost effectively, for maximum impact on their shared area of concern.
The team will present a brief background of this work, 2 exemplary projects, and introduce four free resources to guide your interest. There will be a Q & A in which we heartily invite you to take part.

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The CNPEA is pleased to collaborate with the BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support and CHNET-Works! at the University of Ottawa on this new webinar.

In English
In French

Audio recording available

Wednesday March 9, 2016
1pm-2pm EST

The BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support (BCCEAS) developed a workshop toolkit on elder abuse prevention through a three-year project that was funded by the Human Resources and Skills Development Canada under the New Horizons for Seniors Program. The workshop program utilizes the peer-to-peer model, with trained older adults delivering information on elder abuse prevention and financial literacy to their peers. Since 2011, BCCEAS has delivered over 500 workshops using this model to almost 5,000 older adults, in addition to training community groups to establish their own seniors reaching out to seniors program, in communities across BC. 

The webinar will share learnings on the strategies of a peer-to-peer educational model on elder abuse prevention,  through examination of the recruitment and training of volunteers, program delivery, evaluation and community networking, and use this knowledge to help organizations establish a volunteer-driven elder abuse prevention program in their communities.

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The following resource is part of the Family Violence Initiative, funded by the Department of Justice Canada. Find similar tools by searching for the FVIF tag or consult the list of available resources.


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The CNPEA is pleased to collaborate with CHNET-Works!, the Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults and the Police of Montréal on this new webinar.


In English
En français

Wednesday January 20, 2016
1pm-2pm EST


  • This 3-year project aims at developing a police practice model to counter elder abuse.
  • Police officers are called to intervene in different situations of abuse, at home or in nursing homes. The detection, the assessment of risk factors and elder abuse are not done in a systematic manner. Although they already identify situations of abuse, the majority of first responders (police and firefighters) have no standardized approach to detect situations of vulnerable seniors.
  • Marie Beaulieu et Michelle Côté will introduce the  project IPAM - Police Intervention to Counter Elder Abuse: Developing and Implementing a Practice Model, the results of the pilot project, as well as the next steps until completion in June 2016.

The presentation will be in French.
PowerPoint slides and the Q&A session will be available in English and French.

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