The following is part of our project “Increasing Access to Justice for Older Adult Victims of Sexual Assault: A Capacity Building Approach”, funded by the Justice Canada Victims Fund.Learn more about this project or consult the full list of resources





Thursday April 19th, 2018

10 AM to 11 AM Pacific Time

Sexual assault has the lowest conviction rate of any violent crime in Canada.  The recent critical examination of the criminal trial process for sexual assault has tended to focus on younger women victims. However, sexual assault can and does occur at all stages of women’s lives. Prof. Grant and Benedet's work looks at sexual assault against older women with a view to identifying the barriers to effective prosecutions of sexual assault for this group of women. This is part of a larger study examining whether those barriers shift at different stages of the lifespan of complainants.  They set out to compare what we know about sexual assault against older women from the social science literature to the picture painted by 20 years of case law in Canada.

In this webinar Professors Grant and Benedet will begin by providing a brief overview to the law of sexual assault in Canada and an explanation of how the application of those laws raises unique challenges for complainants who are older women. They will briefly review the social science literature and what it tells us about particular ways in which older women are vulnerable to sexual violence. This will be followed by a discussion of what they found in their case law study and how the picture of sexual assault against older women painted by cases that are actually making it to trial is very different from what social scientists are telling us about the actual incidence of sexual violence against older women.  Finally, they will offer tentative explanations for this discrepancy and describe areas for much-needed future research in Canada.

This presentation will be followed by a brief Q & A 

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The following is part of our project “Increasing Access to Justice for Older Adult Victims of Sexual Assault: A Capacity Building Approach”, funded by the Justice Canada Victims Fund.
Learn more about this project or consult the full list of resources




Tuesday, February 6th, 2018
10 AM Pacific Time

Sexual violence against older women is increasingly being placed on the research agenda after decades of silence. While the growing body of research on this topic is welcome, it remains an under-researched and difficult to research field. In particular, we know very little about current justice responses to the sexual violence of older women, or the justice ‘needs’ or interests of older women themselves. In this presentation, Bianca Fileborn will  examine recent research on sexual violence against older women and highlight the unique aspects of older women’s experiences. We will consider ‘what we know’ about current criminal justice responses to sexual violence against older women, and examine some of the complexities surrounding access to justice for older women. Finally, we'll ask what justice might ‘look like’ in response to sexual violence against older women, and present an agenda for moving forward towards developing inclusive, victim-centred justice responses.

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Thursday, October 5, 2017
10 am - 11 am PDT
1 pm - 2 pm EDT



Engaging Older Women in your Community is a promising practices tool developed as an outcome of the Older Women’s Dialogue Project (OWDP), a collaborative project between the West Coast Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (West Coast LEAF) and the Canadian Centre for Elder Law (CCEL). The publication is intended to support your agency to anticipate and address structural barriers to the participation of older women in community initiatives aimed at legal and policy change.

The tool includes key questions to explore, tips for enhancing organizational capacity to include older women, and examples from our experience throughout the OWDP. All of the ideas contained in this resource reflect what CCEL and West Coast LEAF learned through working with older women in Vancouver, BC. 

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Seniors Aging OUT:
Challenges and Complexities of the LGBTQ2+ community and the importance of an intergenerational approach


Intergenerational Day takes place every year on June 1st. It is a day to focus on the power of connecting youth with older adults, and the impact of these connections on helping build healthy communities, and prevent the mistreatment of older adults.
To celebrate IG Day this year, CNPEA will host a webinar about a new BC Association of Community Response Networks project. This project, entitled Seniors Aging OUT aims to help build an inclusive community across the lifecourse for LGBTQ2+ people, through an intersectional and intergenerational approach.

May 30, 2017

10am PDT - 1pm EDT
Free webinar - Register today

Seniors Aging OUT is a grassroots project that envisions Vancouver Island communities welcoming and including LGBTQ2+ people in all aspects of community life.  The goal is to engage people from all sectors – health, government, and community services – as well as neighbours, friends, and families to create inclusive spaces and services for LGBTQ2+.  The project began in Nanaimo in July 2016 with an intergenerational roundtable of 40 community members aged from 15 to 80+ years of age. This webinar  will highlight the importance of the intergenerational approach to this project.

The presentation will cover 

  • Interim Results from the project Survey and Interviews: the LGBTQ2+ community is much more diverse in terms of sexual orientation and gender identity than the project team initially anticipated. These differences, often generational, suggest differences in how individuals self-define. There is a need to hear as many stories as possible to fully understand the diversity (and complexity) of people in this community. 

  • The next step: Moving Forward with an Intersectional Lens: People’s lives are multi-dimensional and lived realities are shaped by different factors and social dynamics working together. Individual and collective trauma also underpin the experience of many members of the LGBTQ2+ community.An intersectional lens enables the project team to more fully understand the LGBTQ2+ experience, to build coalitions between different groups and to work together to “right past wrongs” towards a community that is inclusive, non-judgmental, and welcoming to all

  • The development of a toolkit to help the LGBTQ2+ community heal: including a form of cultural safety training, and integrating an intergenerational approach where older adults learn from youth/younger adults and vice versa;

About the presenters:

jane headshot

Jane Osborne
After a 30-year career in information technology management and organizational development (IBM, UBC and Metro Vancouver among others), Jane retired to explore the joys of working in community.  Over the past 20 years, she has focused her energies on project and volunteer work provincially and locally; initially on the North Shore of Vancouver and more recently on Central Vancouver Island, as a passionate advocate for social justice.  Jane is currently Regional Mentor with the BC Association of Community Response Networks on the Central Island.
In May 2016, Jane received SFU Gerontology Research Centre’s Elder Abuse Awareness to Action Award for her work in building community partnerships and collaborations that support positive social change, coordinated responses and improved interventions for adults experiencing abuse and neglect. 

screen shot 2017 05 19 at 10.29.16 amRoss Jenkins started working with neuro-diverse populations and those with developmental delays in the early 1990’s. After several years working in the field as a community support worker, he realized that many people he worked with hadn’t received as much information about sex and sexuality as had their neuro-typical peers. In 2015, he took the Sexual Health Educator Certification course from Options for Sexual Health British Columbia with the intention of bringing sexual health information to vulnerable populations. Late in 2016, he learned of Jane Osborne’s work with Seniors Aging Out and the BC Community Response Networks. Ross’s experience with younger adults and perspectives on diverse populations are extremely important to the challenges of creating safe and open environments for LGBTQ2+ adults as they transition into assisted living environments or begin to experience much higher needs for home support services.


For more information on this project, visit
on intergenerational initiatives and  IG Day Canada 2017,
Tag #IGDAYCA on twitter and social media on June 1 




The following resource is part of the Family Violence Initiative, funded by the RCMP. Find similar tools by searching for the FVIF tag or consult the list of available resources.


Presentation slides - English
Présentation - Français

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