The world of crypto currency can be tough to decipher and crypto-based scams abound. During our recent webinar on Current Frauds and Trends affecting Seniors, many participants had questions about crypto scams so we decided to tackle the question in a follow-up webinar. Jeff Horncastle, Acting Client and Communications Outreach Officer at the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre will highlight what you need to know to understand the basics of crypto scams and stay safe.
Click here to access the presentation slides
- An examination of the social and economic impacts of ageism - Read it here
- A case study on ageism during the COVID-19 pandemic - Read it here
- 2021 Global Report on Ageism by World Health Organization - Read it here
- Testing the Shielding Effect of Intergenerational Contact against Ageism in the Workplace: A Canadian Study - Read it here
Ageism is a key issue that negatively impacts older adults' mental and physical health as well as their quality of life. This webinar will highlight key findings from two recent research reports on ageism published by the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors Forum and prepared by Dr. Martine Lagacé, Dr. Marcel Mérette, Dr. Julien Navaux and Philippe Rodrigues-Rouleau of the University of Ottawa: An Examination of the Social and Economic Impacts of Ageism and A Case Study on Ageism during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Learn more about the reports
Martine Lagacé:
Associate Vice-President, Research Promotion & Development at the University of Ottawa / vice-rectrice associée à la promotion et au développement de la recherche en août 2018 pour un mandat de cinq ans
Martine Lagacé was appointed Associate Vice-President, Research Promotion & Development at the University of Ottawa in August 2018 for a five-year term. She is a professor in the Department of Communication and is affiliated with the School of Psychology. Professor Lagacé was Vice-Dean, Governance of the Faculty of Arts from 2014 to 2018, and Director of the Department of Communication from 2011 to 2012. In addition to her administrative experience, she has extensive expertise in journalism, having worked at Radio-Canada for more than 10 years.
Professor Lagacé has contributed greatly to the advancement of knowledge on the psychosocial aspects of aging, particularly as they relate to discrimination based on age. She has led several field surveys in Canada and abroad, with workers as well as older patients to better understand the impact of age-based discrimination. In the francophone community, her academic work on ageism has been groundbreaking. She has edited two books on the topic and regularly publishes articles in academic journals, in both official languages.
Professor Lagacé contributes to several organizations, including the National Seniors Council, the Institut du savoir Montfort, the Bruyère Research Institute and the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal. She has also forged several international research collaborations, particularly in France and Italy.
To mark Cyber Security Awareness Month, CNPEA, in collaboration with Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, hosted a series of webinars in October focusing on online safety and security. Scroll to learn more about these webinars and watch the recordings:
Cyber Security and Privacy: Key principles and tools for older adults
10 AM Pacific / 1 PM Eastern
Wactch the recording here:
Panel conversation with guests who work to increase digital literacy, safe behaviours online, as well as online privacy and security for older people using technology. ASL interpretation available. Learn more about the event.
Confirmed Panelists:
- Kara Brisson-Boivin, Ph.D. Sociology (she/her/elle), Director of Research, MediaSmarts
- Lisa Kearney, Founder and CEO, Women CyberSecurity Society and International Women in Cyber Day
- Emily Mullins, Knowledge Broker, Ontario Age-Friendly Community Outreach Program - Centre for Studies in Aging and Health
- Debra Popa, MBA, Executive Director, KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation
Resources discussed during the webinar:
Debra Popa, Knowledge Flow:
- For all initiatives related to older adults, go to
- FREE resources for non-profits at
- You can email your scam examples (for training purposes) at
Emily Mullins, Ontario Age-Friendly Community Outreach Program-Centre for Studies in Aging and Health
- Dig-IT digital literacy program for older adults:
- Summary report on Best Practices for Digital Literacy Programs:
- Ontario Age-Friendly Communities Outreach Program:
Lisa Kearney, Founder and CEO, Women Cyber Security Society
- For information about the next free cybersecurity workshop, top 5 tips cyber security tips and more:
- Email your questions at
Kara Brisson-Boivin, MediaSmarts
- Tips Cyber Security: Spam, Scams, Frauds and Identity Theft: - Discover Online Safety: free, bilingual and virtual event (held via Zoom) Mon, 24 October 2022, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT:
OCTOBER 26 and 27
Online Scams - Security and Privacy
10 AM Pacific / 1 PM Eastern
(separate sessions in English and in French)
This webinar will feature Stephanie Senecal, Senior Support Unit Coordinator with the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, who will provide older adults and professionals who support them with knowledge on current online crimes and tips on how to stay safe against cyber-fraud.
Webinaire présenté par Stephanie Senecal, coordonnatrice principale de l’unité de soutien au Centre antifraude du Canada. La présentation fournira aux personnes âgées, ainsi qu’aux professionnels qui les soutiennent, des connaissances sur les crimes en ligne actuels et des conseils pour éviter d’être victime de cyberfraude.
October 26 (English) - Watch the recording here:
Resources from the webinar
- Seniors Fraud Prevention Toolkit (2022, Canadian Anti Fraud Centre) - Protecting Each Other From Scams Brochure (EAPO) - Safe & Sound: A tool to help guard your financial security (EAPO) - Covid Specific Frauds and Scams (EAPO and CanAge 2020) - The Little Black Book of Scams (Second edition, Competition Bureau Canada)
- Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre:
- Competition Bureau Canada – Fraud and scams:
- Get Cyber Safe – Government of Canada:
Get Cyber Safe is a national public awareness campaign created to inform Canadians about cyber security and the simple steps they can take to protect themselves online.
October 27 (français) - Visionner la vidéo:
Ressources du webinaire
- Trousse de prévention de la fraude - Aînés (Centre anti fraude du Canada, 2022) - Le petit livre noir de la fraude (Bureau de la compétition, 2e édition) - Se protéger mutuellement des escroqueries (Brochure EAPO) - Sous bonne garde - Un outil pour protéger votre sécurité financière (EAPO)
Sites Internet
- Centre antifraude du Canada:
- Bureau de la concurrence Canada – Fraude et arnaques:
- Pensez cybersécurité:
Pensez cybersécurité est une campagne nationale de sensibilisation publique conçue pour sensibiliser les Canadiens à la sécurité en ligne et les informer des étapes à suivre pour se protéger en ligne.
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