Free Lunch & Learn Webinar Series
Thursday, March 14, 2019
11:00 am - 12:15 pm EST


Emotional abuse is any action, verbal or non-verbal, that lessens a person’s sense of identity, dignity and self-worth. Emotional abuse is one of the most prevalent forms of abuse and includes any attempt to demoralize, dehumanize or intimidate older adults.

Join EAO, as we continue with our lunch and learn webinar series, to learn more about how to recognize, prevent and respond to situations of emotional abuse of older adults.

The webinar will:

  • Provide participants with an overview of emotional abuse of older adults
  • Provide practical strategies and assessment tools for service providers who work with older adults
  • Discuss the indicators, risk factors, and barriers to reporting emotional abuse, and
  • Highlight current legislation and provincial resources

Wednesday, February 13, 2019
11:30 am - 1:00 pm Eastern time


 ''The South Asian community is the fastest growing visible minority group in Toronto (having grown by 40% since 1996). Studies show that a large percentage of residents within this community are living in poverty and fall into the low-income category. Given this context, there is a demonstrated need to provide older adults with information about their rights and how best to access services and supports they might need.

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Age-friendly Housing: Promoting healthy spaces for all ages 

February 8, 2019
11AM - 12PM Eastern Standard Time

The following points will be addressed and discussed:

  • The broader public health impact of housing on health;
  • The WHO Housing and health guidelines (2018) Innovative housing options as a key aspect of age-friendly environments;
  • Good practices in age-friendly housing from winners of the WHO / Grantmakers in Aging Innovation@Home contest.

Dr Ramona Ludolph: Technical Officer Department of Public Health, Environmental & Social Determinants of Health World Health Organization Geneva, Switzerland
Ms Sybil Boutilier: Chair Age Friendly Sausalito Commissioner Marin County Commission on Aging California, United States
Ms Gemma Parera Álvarez: Technical Advisor Diputació de Barcelona (Social Welfare Department) Barcelona, Spain
Raquel Castelo Branco: Director Social Cohesion Department Porto City Council


Translating Evidence for the Decade of Healthy Ageing
The first webinar in the IFA's post-conference 2019 webinar series

29 January, 2019
12:00 - 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

ifawebinar humanrights


Ken Bluestone Head of Policy and Influencing Age International
Erica Dhar Director of Global Alliances Office of International Affairs, AARP
Cynthia Stuen United Nations Representative, New York International Federation on Ageing
Frances Zainoeddin United Nations Representative, New York International Federation on Ageing


Providing Safer and More Welcoming Continuing Care for LGBTQ2S+ Clients
Tuesday, January 22, 2019, noon  (MST)

To enhance your awareness, confidence, knowledge, and skills in creating safer and more welcoming continuing care for LGBTQ2S+ clients

screen shot 2019 01 17 at 2.19.12 pmPRESENTED BY:

  • Michael Phair, Coordinator Edmonton Pride Seniors Group,  Chair, Board of Governors University of Alberta, 
  • Alvin M. Schrader, PhD.  Professor Emeritus, Practicum Sessional Instructor, School of Library & Information Studies, Adjunct Professor, Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services, Member, Edmonton Pride Seniors Group 
  • Michelle Taylor, Lead, AHS Congregate Living Service Delivery, Provincial Seniors Health

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Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors

CNPEA would like to thank our generous sponsors who contribute to the sustainability of our knowledge-sharing hub

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