Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 logoseaowebinar
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EDT



What should older adults do when someone moves into their home or apartment and begins to make them feel unsafe and vulnerable, whether physically, financially or psychologically? What if these individuals won't leave?  

This problem, known as a “home takeover” can range in severity from theft to serious assault and often involves a relationship with family members or even drug dealers who take advantage of the legitimate tenant's vulnerabilities and always render older adults feeling uncomfortable or losing their own home. 

Read more …

  • When:
    Tuesday, January 17, 
    10:30 AM

    The BCCRNS January Learning Event will feature 2 projects intended to affect how LGBTQ2 seniors access health and community services:
  • Nicole Tremblay will present Island Health, LGBTQ2s Aging Issues that will focus on educating and training front line staff.
  • Jane Osborne will present BC CRNs Seniors Aging Out, intending to build welcoming and inclusive communities for those who identify as LGBTQ2+ and their allies.

    Check for presentation materials.

Provincial Learning events are toll-free and everyone is welcome. To register for this event,  join the mailing list for this and future monthly learning events, contact .  Access instructions are provided after registration.

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Cameron Field, BAA, MSc
Detective Sergeant, Section Head of Investigative Training, Toronto Police Service/Toronto Police College

Learning Objectives

  • The types of fraud on the internet
  • Identify what makes seniors unique when it comes to cyber fraud
  • Awareness of government surveys that measure seniors use of the internet
  • Awareness of types of fraud prevention and what actually works
  • Finding unique comfort levels when using the internet


Tuesday, November 8th, 2016  11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EDT
Where :This event will be held via GoToWebinar format. Once the registration process is completed, a link to complete registration via GotoWebinar will be sent to the participant.


Rochella Vassell
Elder Abuse Ontario
416-916-6728 ext 225

eao webinar

Tea & Talk Toolkit 
An Innovative NEW Program from EAO to Engage Older Adults in Discussions about Healthy Relationships

September 20th, 2016
11am EDT

Free Webinar
Register here

Read more …

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Tuesday July 5th 2016
11:00 am-12:30 pm ET
Free webinar via GotoWebinar

Marlene Ham: Provincial Coordinator, Ontario Association of Interval and Transitional Houses
Amber Wardell: Coordinator for the Justice for Women Review Team, Haldimand-Norfolk Women's services

Learning Objectives: 

  • The role of interval and transitional Homes in Ontario
  • Supporting older women in our shelter system
  • Innovative programs and services being offered by Haldimand-Norfolk Women's Services

Register here
(Once the registration process is completed, an email with a link to GotoWebinar will be sent. Please complete registration using the link above.)

If you have any questions about the event or how to register, please contact Rochella Vassell:




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CNPEA would like to thank our generous sponsors who contribute to the sustainability of our knowledge-sharing hub
